Sunday, October 19, 2008

Heart on Lockdown (L love story) ::[LEMON]::

You kept your hands occupied with his stomach and pressed your lips against his ear in a mocking sort of pleasure. Letting your tongue flick across it, you felt him shudder again and you took that moment to laugh. Letting out a small chuckle felt good for some reason and you could see him contort his face in confusion. You wrapped your arms tighter around his small waist and pulled him closer to your warm body, if that was physically possible. He relaxed into you a bit more and you felt his gaze fall upon you. You smirked into the darkness and blew on his unsuspecting ear, making him jump with fright. You laughed again, this time more darkly, and flipped him over so he was facing you on your lap. He was surprisingly light-weight for his height, you noted, and filed that info in the back of your mind. You closed your eyes then re-opened them to look upon his face.

He looked scared out of his mind, well, he should be, you were giving off rather malicious vibes. He let his eyes bore into yours as you smirked a little wider. You pulled him towards you so he had his face inches from yours. He let a bit of fear take over his face, and he let out a shaky breath. You felt your mind go into some kind of overdrive, trying to decide whether to ravage him or be gentle.

'Gentle, Liz, he's fragile...'


You cringed inwardly, trying to ignore the internal battle. You looked him in the eyes right back and let your smirk drop. Pulling him closer to you, you pressed your lips to his. He froze for a second before processing what was going on. His eyes widened in shock, then closed slowly, basking in bliss. You let your lips move against his seductively and fell in love with the way he tasted instantly. You smiled into the kiss and moved your hands to his hair, running them through it. He moaned a tiny bit at the feeling of your massage-strokes on his scalp and let his hands wander to your neck. You jumped as they grazed your flesh, damn he was cold!

You slowly turned over, laying down on top of him lightly. He whimpered a bit when your mouth left his and looked up at you with pleading eyes. You laughed, "Shush, now hold on..." you whispered and stroked his cheek lightly before sitting up all the way. Your eyes roamed his fully clothed body and the word 'gentle' popped into your mind. You silently agreed with your mind and smiled slightly. Letting your hands fall onto his chest, you pulled off his shirt and threw it on the ground somewhere. He blushed several shades and looked away from you cutely. You giggled quietly and started to pull off his pants. He suddenly tensed and you stopped, looking at him curiously. He looked absolutely terrified and about ready to faint. You sighed and leaned down, kissing him softly, "Don't worry, you'll be fine..." Your whispered words seemed to calm him and his face was slowly showing signs of relaxation. You smiled again and continued pulling off his jeans and tossing them onto the floor, next to his shirt, you assumed. You slipped a finger under the band of his boxers and smirked a bit, looking to his face once more. He just blushed and smiled at you, seemingly fine with it, though flustered. You pulled them off and closed your eyes for a second before looking back upon his body.

Damn, he was good! You smiled wide to yourself and let your eyes roam his naked form. He was semi-toned, not ripped, which you liked and had very soft-looking skin, almost silky (if you know what I mean...). He had the same skin tone running from his head to his feet and you guessed he didn't get out much.

*L's POV*

You felt her eyes on your body and you closed yours. A feeling swept over you and you basked in it. It felt so good to have somebody look at you like this, exposed. The feeling of care and trust flashed through your mind and you wished it wouldn't go away. Her fingers stroked your chest and you sighed into the feeling: so good, so good. She chuckled a bit and you heard a rustle of clothing. You opened your eyes to see her fully naked, sitting next to you, with a condom in her hand. You blushed and quickly pulled the sheet up around you, trying yo hide yourself from her laser-lime eyes and the biting cold. She just laughed and ripped the sheet away, slipping the condom on gently and without a word. You just blushed even more and looked up at her face, no blush there: why wasn't she blushing, too? You closed your eyes again and turned completely on your back. Suddenly, you felt a pressure on you and you suppressed a scream.

*Your POV*

You slammed your body down on his unsuspecting manhood, hearing him muffle a scream. You moaned in bliss and held your body there for a minute enjoying it. Slowly, you slid your body up and down on his and leaned forward so you were laying on him. He kept gasping and moaning, which you loved, and gripped your hair tightly in pleasure. You smiled a bit and kissed his neck softly, getting faster with your rocking against him. He moaned again and slid his face to your neck, where he silenced a scream of pleasure. Biting your flesh gently, he pulled away to look you in the eyes, his burning with pent-up lust. Yours showed the same and you pushed your body against his harder. He suddenly tensed inside of you and his face was taken over by the pre-orgasmic frown. You bit his neck softly and moved against him more, leading him on. He kept building up pressure in your lower back and you did a little victory dance in your head. Yeah! Orgasm! You flipped so he was under you and you rested his body on yours, running your hands up and down his back, helping him along. He moaned into your neck and suddenly slammed his pelvis into yours, making you gasp slightly.

"E-Eliza," he moaned out, sending chills up your spine. You tugged on his hair and kissed his face as he kept right on going. He tensed again and came in you, hard. You closed your eyes and laughed lightly as a tickling feeling ran through you. He just gasped, trying to reach oxygen and fell limply on your chest. You looked down at him and smiled, caressing his tired body.

You pushed him off of you slowly and rested him beside you, pulling the sheet up around you both. You both lay there in silence before you heard a small kind of sobbing. You looked down at him to see tears running down his cheeks. 'Wha?' you thought and wiped them away with your thumb. "What's wrong, L...?" you spoke quietly.

"... Nothing," he looked up at you and smiled, more tears running down his cheeks, "That just fe-felt s-so good..." He let a small sob escape his lips and buried his face in your chest. You smiled and held him closer to you, wondering where this would lead you...