Monday, May 31, 2010

Lucidity: lime dream... [Sasuke]

"Hey, Kazuki," Sasuke's voice said. A low, smooth, pleasant voice. "Loneliness isn't becoming. If you wanted something from me you could've just asked..." His hand was on your arm, your shoulder, and then it was tracing the contours of your throat. "I miss you, Kazuki. You are everything I'm not and I like that. But how could you ever be able to tell if I'm not open with you? I'm sorry," he said, and he slipped into the chair close beside you. His chest was pressed to your side and you could feel his heart pounding against his ribs. "I'm sorry you had to deal with someone who doesn't like people. But you're different, Kazuki." His mouth pressed itself to your neck. "You're different and I like that about you." The warm skin of his hand slid from your arm to your stomach and drew circles around your navel before skimming the edge of your pants. "Would you hate me," he mumbled against your ear, "if I were to touch you? I promise I'll be polite." He dug the pad of his thumb into the crease of your thigh. There was a hot pressure that bubbled up in your core that you couldn't name but loved anyway. Sasuke breathed against your jaw and kissed at the skin. "You taught me a lot," he said with an audible smile, "you taught me to live and to think in ways I hadn't thought of before. I was happy. I would like to feel that way again." He slipped his hand into your panties and you jolted was the sudden movement. "Kazuki, Kazuki," he murmured breathily against your mouth, "you feel so... wonderful. You're so soft and -- Kazuki..." He sighed as he pressed his fingers into your warmth and bent them gradually. A soothing heat melted into your head and trickled down your veins until it reached the ends of your nerves. It was a violently exciting feeling and you felt him bite at your mouth as he explored. "Hmm. I wish it were like this every day. Just you and me and all this feeling that I can't place. I think I love you, Kazuki. I think I've loved you from the beginning." His words were a blur, a buzzing in your head, and all you could feel was the shifting of his fingers inside of you. It was like a drug, the feeling -- it was like a drug of the highest pleasure and happiness. It was as though all the emotion in the world was flooding into you at breakneck speeds and you couldn't sort them out. All at once, you wanted to scream and to cry and to laugh and to hit and to yell and to smile. And you were smiling, since Sasuke was tracing your lips with his finger and telling you how lovely your smile was, after all. "Tell me, tell me, Kazuki," he muttered, scissoring his fingers inside of you, and immediately the heat spiked, "do you love me?" There was one last bending of his fingers and you climaxed and he was gone.