Monday, October 12, 2009

=:Blank Slates:=[the lemon]

It wasn't long before you suddenly found yourself being dragged onto the couch... naked.

"Uh, C-Chazz?" you asked the panting boy, who was trying to eat your neck. "Why here? There's a perfectly good bed over there..." You eyed the said piece of furniture with quasi-wistful eyes, taking grim note of the slippery leather beneath your bare back.

Chazz chuckled against your skin, pulling his boxers off without looking. You tried not to shove him off of you.

"Why? It's fine right here..." He bit down on the soft flesh near your ear and your body jolted slightly.

"B-but... Fine..." You reluctantly wrapped your arms around his neck as he began to get himself situated. On you, I mean. You wanted to hit him even harder when you got a knee to the ribs. "Watch it!" you yelled in the clothes-bare boy's ear, digging your nails into his upper arms. He winced at the sharp pressure, clenching his jaw.

"Sorry... I'm not good at this yet..."

"Yeah, I gathered that," you droned quietly, adverting your eyes from his body as he sat up on your abdomen. The said male stared down at you with confused, slate-hued eyes.

"Am I doing something wrong?" he asked, noting your cobalt glare sent his way. You face-palmed, pushing him off of you and sitting up as well. He blinked up at you from his new position on the floor, thoroughly fine with the fact that he was completely naked and you looked like you wanted to STAB him in the EYE with a FRIKKIN' STEAK KNIFE.

"Yes, yes you are. First of all..." You looked down at his thin torso then back up at his blank facial expression. "Don't be assertive if you don't know what you're doing... Second, calm down. Last I checked, we had time." You hated to say that. "And third, just... let me lead, okay. You're really awkward..." You suddenly remembered that you, too, were naked and promptly decided to cover your chest with crossed arms.

The equally nude boy simply stared up at you, either silently agreeing or contemplating life. You took a stab at the former. "Okay? Right?"

"... Sure..." he said after a long stretch of silence, a wide grin breaking out on his face. You had never seen Chazz smile like this, so the said emotion a) blinded you and b) made you want to check his temperature. Perhaps the Atticus-induced lust caused his internal thermometer to rise. Atticus had that affect on people...

"... Good." You stood and, arms still crossed over your bust, proceeded to kick him in the stomach. The assaulted boy grunted in pain and shot you a miffed glance.

"What was that for?"

"For being so un-Chazz-like... Smirking's your thing, really..." You frowned at his devious grin, again tempted to throttle him. "Get on the couch," you said levelly, refusing to remove your arms even at his lusty glance toward where your breasts were situated. "Please and thank you."

"All right," he said, standing slowly and tossing himself face up onto the leather cushions. "Whatever you say, Irei." He grinned again, his words slipping off his tongue in a seductive sort of fashion.

You swallowed just slightly, still forcing yourself to not stare blatantly at your companion's man-bits. It was tougher than you thought it would be... "Good," you said again, at a loss for words. You paused for another long moment before climbing on top of him, biting your lip in an attempt to control yourself from slaughtering the boy seeing as he was staring plainly at your now-revealed chest. "Oh, wait," you said suddenly, shocking the horny male out of his boob-infatuated daze. "Do you have condoms?"

There was a long stretch of silence and you cocked an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah, I do, actually..." he said almost sheepishly, rubbing a hand through his spikes of black hair.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Then go get them..."

He blinked and motioned for you to get off of him. You gladly complied and watched him scamper -- in a relatively sexy way -- into the enormous bathroom. You were simply content with watching his naked ass go.

"Here," he said, tossing you the small square. You caught it and stared up at his naked-and-boney-but-also-considerably-enticing body that just happened to be standing right in front of you.


"I... don't know how to put it on..." he admitted, a rosy color taking over his cheeks.

"Really?" you replied with a muted smirk, looking down at the word Trojan written across the blue wrapper in big, blocky letters. "I'll help, then." You reached out an arm and pulled him toward you, so his pelvis, and therefore his appendage-in-question, was at hand-level. With careful fingers you began to unwrap the small, latex thingy-ma-bobber. I mean, condom... *cough*

"Hold still," you said quietly, now choosing to stare directly at what the said rubber was going on. Not the first penis you'd seen, but it was still a bit of a shocker the fourth time around.

He was nice...!

Not HUGE (that would be a hassle) but a good size... for someone you had previously thought to be asexual. I mean, come on: all he did was play card games and hang out with those two sketchy guys with the bad accents. Who wouldn't think he had sexual issues?

You felt another bout of redness wash over you as you proceeded to try and put the condom on him. It wasn't hard, but he wasn't hard either... you see what I'm getting at?

"You know," you said, purposefully ignoring his hands gripping your shoulders harshly, "it would be so much easier if, you know, you had an... erection." You almost choked on that last word, never having said it before. Chazz blinked, staring from you to his manhood.

"Really?" Then his eyes found yours, unfortunately. "I'm going to have to use your help..."

You could tell he was enjoying both his and your humiliation. Gah! Sadomasochism!

"... Fine," you agreed meekly, setting the opened rubber down next to you on the couch. Chazz was suddenly sitting on your lap, his back to your chest. You blushed profusely at his bare rear-end against your legs.

"This won't take long," he purred, picking up one of your hands and entwining it was his. You flinched at the coldness of his palm. Then, your own temperature spiked as he wrapped both hands around the exact non-hardened thing in question.

"Chazz? What are you doing?" you squeaked out, trying not to enjoy the feel of the skin on your hand.

"This," he said softly and with intent, squeezing your hand around his member by way of his. You felt his entire body jolt and a gasp reached your ears. You let him hold that thought for a moment before catching on.


Skip to a good ten minutes later... Thank you.


Well, he was definitely hard now.

"Damn it," he gasped, doubling over in the pent-up pressure that had manifested in his core. "Irei," he moaned. It was interesting to watch him act like this, so completely at your whim. You had never given anyone a hand job before, so this was all new to you.

"Wow," you said quietly, face pressed lightly to his back so that you could just see over his shoulder with your curious eyes. You, as you had done for the past minutes, slid your hand up and down his shaft absently, not totally focused on exactly the condition his penis was in but more on the fact that your entire hand was covered in semen.

You had no idea that all of that could fit in such a small space!

It dripped slowly from your hand and onto the floor, pooling up and looking very... unfitting against the beautiful wood work. It was slippery, too, and it was no problem for you to simply rub your fingers over his tip without causing him to feel any difference between the rest of his manhood and the most sensitive part. Though, of course the head is more laden with nerves, so obviously...

"Ugh, Irei," he groaned, licking his lips in some sort display of pleasure. You merely sighed against his dampened skin, giving no real thought to how messy this all was. If you weren't in complete and utter denial, you would be flipping out and dashing around for a mop.

He came again, the sticky substance dubbed 'cum' sloshing onto the floor with a sickening sound. You swallowed, staring at it intently. After this, intercourse will seem doubly appealing.

"Chazz," you whispered, your lips grazing his shoulder, "I think we're good..."

The said boy looked over his shoulder at you, eyes unfocused and face dripping with sweat. "Good," he breathed, gasping for air again. You blinked and forced back a smile.

With sticky hands, you pushed him off of your lap, helping to steady his wobbly self. Then, you turned your attention to the condom. Ugh, that condom...

"Here we go," you said quietly to yourself, tearing open the metallic wrapper. Inside, you came upon the coveted born-of-latex object and tugged it out, staring at it blankly as it sat in your non-semen-covered palm (aka the left hand). Chazz, who was still panting above you, leaned his weight on your shoulder by way of an outstretched arm.

"Are you meaning to tease me?" he whispered out and you noted that he was shaking. In either tiredness or anticipation, you didn't know.

"No, not really..." You reached out and pushed it over his tip, biting your lip in concentration. Chazz groaned at its tightness along his length and you watched his entire body tense up. "Ready?" you asked him, looking toward his face.

He swallowed, opening his eyes again and staring down at you with a wavering smirk. "Of course."


Skip ten minutes again, because this time frame was taken up by you coaching Chazz in the art of CORRECT BODY PLACEMENT aka the 'No Knees in My Ribs, You Idiot' lesson.


So now that you had him hovering over you, hands by your head, you chose to finally smile. "Are you ready now?"

"... Yeah." He was once again entranced by your bust. You felt like growling. The bubbles of anxiousness rose up to settle in your chest, and it tightened, causing your breath to hitch almost inaudibly. Chazz swallowed, metallic irises shifting around slightly and finally zoning in on your face, where they stayed. You had to force yourself to stare back into his eyes with your own, as it was much too awkward to look away. There was a heavy silence as the two of you contemplated your future actions before Chazz growled slightly.

"Fuck it," he said, reaching a hand down to hike one of your legs around his waist. You gasped at the feeling of skin on skin, then gritted your teeth.

"Ah..." you gasped in surprise and slight discomfort, as your company shoved himself into you with gusto. A flash of heat shot up your legs and pooled in your stomach. Chazz grunted deeply and adjusted his position, locking your pelvic areas so they could move in unison. "Hurry... up..." you mumbled against the rising warmth, eyeing him nervously. The boy simply smiled to himself and chuckled, lifting his hips to slam into yours again. You tossed your head back and pain stabbed your neck, slithering down your spine and into your left leg. Chazz grunted again and drove harder, fingers digging into the black leather of his couch.

The slippery material beneath your body let you slide, and with every thrust of his you were pushed back into the cushions. The leather became hot with your sweat and sticky to the touch, every time you would slide your hand down the stitching or grasp a pillow. You could feel the stiffness of the fabric against your skin, and it drove you crazy.

"C-Chazz," you gasped out, gripping his shoulder with all your might, "can't... we go to the- Ah!" You felt him push harder. "The bed...?" You closed your eyes as he pounded into you with more strength, the warm feeling of pleasure trickling along your limbs. It was a thick, woozy feeling that made you lightheaded and a small, shaky smile found its way onto your face as you gasped again. Still, the slippery cushions felt unnatural against your back, and the oily feeling of sweat coated the fabric. Chazz, on the other hand, was lost in an oblivious world of bliss, and he had his eyes clenched shut, ignoring all else. Every thrust made the sofa shift slightly against the wooden floor, and the sound irritated you. "Chazz," you muttered again, biting back a pleased groan, "for god's sake: the bed..."

The boy, who had previously buried his face in your burning neck, chuckled. "But we're busy."

You almost punched him.

Slowly, the tingling feeling of climax decided to seep into your core, placing immense pressure on your hips and tightening your stomach. The boy above you increased the speed of his pelvis in the face of his own rising orgasm, and the force of his body crushing yours nearly hurt. The heated waves of ecstasy washed over your head, making you smile in delight and giggle a bit when your company bit lightly at your neck. The length of him inside you suddenly felt swollen, and you gasped, digging your nails into his arms like a vise. "Damn it," he growled, cracking a single eye open to stare at you, "that hurts."

"... Sorry," you mumbled, too distracted by the new feeling to return the gaze. The Princeton brushed it off momentarily, choosing to ignore the sensation of his own skin being mutilated. The writhing, animated feel of completion welled up in him, and he groaned against your neck, skin searing on his mouth.

"Ugh, Irei," he murmured, gripping your shoulders. You trembled under the force of your own orgasm, reaching a hand up to clutch at his hair for stability. "Irei..." he whispered again, more to himself, a small smile on his face. You felt his hot breath against your throat, the sense of his rhythmic thrusting in the back of your passion-saturated mind. Something burning and wet made itself known on your jaw, and you registered it blankly as his tongue.

Slowly, and almost painstakingly, you came. It was a satisfying, smooth feeling, like stepping into a heated bathtub, and sincerely nice. You laughed a bit out of pure relief, opening your cobalt eyes to stare up at the white ceiling. The pressure faded off and you were left with a pleasing warmth that sat comfortably in your stomach.

On top of you, Chazz still pounded away, more struggling with his own increasing pleasure than with actually obtaining it. "Hey, Chazz," you mumbled, wrapping your arms about his neck softly, "you don't need to work so hard..." You felt him nod distractedly and nuzzle his face into your neck even more, resting his body on his elbows beside your head. There was a short pause while he leaned back far enough to look you in the eye with clouded, sex-glazed ones of his own.

"I'm gonna need your patience," he said deeply, ceasing his thrusting for a second. You blinked at him, nodding almost noncommittally and tightening your arms around his neck. The boy then resumed pushing into you, hips grinding in small circles and hands gripping at your shoulders again. You tossed your head back and gritted your teeth, pushing back on him with your own hips. Presently, he came, and it was a very subdued orgasm. He instantly fell at rest, trying not to crush you with his own body. You felt his breath wash over your neck and chest and you tried not to smile, patting his back lightly to help him regain his breath.

Sluggishly, he pulled out of you, face an odd mix of confusion and calm. You watched him silently as he pulled off the pesky condom, tossing it over the back of the sofa and into a trash bin on the floor. There was a moment of comfortable silence until he laughed, staring down at you from his half-reclined position on the edge of the couch. "That was exciting," he muttered, customary smirk looking much too much like a smile. You smiled back, nodding and feeling very much at ease.

That was, until he fell off the couch.

Thunk, you heard, and you blinked, seeing a lack of Chazz.

"Uh..." you muttered, rolling onto your side to glance over the side of the sofa. He was laying face up on the floor, face an irritated deadpan. "You know," you began cautiously, "if we had used the bed, you would have been able to roll over without hurting yourself."

He simply glared up at you, reaching a hand up to rub the top of his skull. "Yeah, I noticed that."

What a guy...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Clashing Heads: Matt [Mail Jeeves] lemon only

... He kissed you roughly, holding your face still in his palms. His tongue dipped in and out of your mouth, not letting your own join. He bit down on your lip, your gasp only prodding him further. He finally pulled away, his forehead pressed to yours and his breathing ragged. "Let's take this to the bedroom..."


"Yes," he pulled you up and dragged you into the bedroom, tossing you on the bed. As he began to pull his vest off messily, you propped yourself up on your elbows. He was down to his boxers at this point, so overwhelmed with blinding passion, his clothes scattered unceremoniously on the floor. He looked down at you with wide, glazed eyes, his chest heaving with breaths of wanting.

You only laughed lightly as he attacked your own clothes, pulling at the stretchy material without any clue of what he was doing. This was really getting somewhere...

He lips met your neck in a heated kiss, clutching you to himself with such force that you had to keep your mouth wide open in order to breathe. His tongue ran the length of your neck and shoulder, stopping only to bite harshly down on your collarbone. You felt the slight pain coarse through your chest and you grabbed his head, digging your fingers into his scalp. He groaned as your nails scratched against him, continuing to devour your throat.

You pulled him down onto the bed with you, him on top and you on your back. He had you in your bra, panties and pants, not able to take off the rest without removing himself from you. He took no notice, though, and pressed his mouth to yours messily, getting all he wanted from you.

You moaned loudly, "Matt."

He let his lips linger on your chin, his eyes closed, "Yes?"

"Let me take off my clothes."

He kissed your chin lightly and rolled off of you, climbing farther onto the bed. He leaned against the pillows, watching you with great interest. You stood up on the bed, beginning to pull your pants down with painstaking sluggishness. He groaned deeply, eyeing your black panties sitting low on your hips.

You watched him lick his lips and widen his eyes at the sight of your almost bare thighs. A small laugh escaped your mouth, seeing him in so much mental torture. You let your pants drop to your ankles, kicking them off of the bed. You reached around to your back, implying the removal of your bra. Matt rolled over onto his stomach, never tearing his gaze from you. You ran your fingers over the line of your bra, where the lace met your skin, feeling in control and generally good about yourself. You pulled at the material a bit, giving the horny red-head a small glimpse of your breast. He opened and closed his mouth somewhat like a fish, crawling closer to you on his hands and knees. You could hear his heavy breathing, the sound reaching your ears at a fast pace. The heat of the room and Matt's eyes on you was making you wet, more feelings pounding through your body.

Matt kneeled at your feet, grasping your leg tightly. He ran his mouth and tongue up and down your calf, the hot breath making your head tingle. You quickly removed the bra, tossing it behind you. Matt leaned back, staring up at your large chest. You glanced down and, seeing him smile, fell on top of him, legs on either side of his. He held your waist gently, savoring the view that hovered at eye-level. Slowly, he leaned in and licked down your cleavage, his mouth hot and wet. You moaned softly, running a hand deftly through his hair.

You arched your neck sharply as he bit down on your nipple. The feeling was painful, but not enough to hurt. Matt reached up with the other hand, toying with your other breast. You smiled as he rolled his tongue over the bud, sucking and caressing it. You felt waves of pleasure and giddiness rock your body, your eyes closed, concentrating on the feelings. His hair brushed your chest as your buried your fingers in it once again.

Matt continued his treatment, his fingers moving blindly over the other nipple. Quickly, he pulled away and slammed his mouth down on the other one, hearing you gasp above. His teeth grazed the sensitive bump of skin, making it harden even more. Matt smiled into the love-fest, feeling your body heat up under his hands.

You felt him pull away for the second time, his mouth coming up to meet yours. You took his face in your hands, sliding your tongue into his mouth with ease, as it was already open and waiting. He let you explore his own mouth, taking care not to let his heated wants get in the way. You ran the tip over the inside of his cheek, tasting him with great determination. His mouth was hot, very hot and very wet, making your own mouth water with excitement. It was soft also, and you went to great lengths to feel every inch of it.

Matt let his tongue slide over yours, feeling very much left out. He felt himself get harder, your knee rubbing slightly against his inner thigh. He moaned inwardly as it continued to torture him, making his mind scream in frustration. Finally, he dragged his mouth from yours with much hesitation, looking you in the eye. You looked back into his, your green ones wide and locked onto his face. He stared back, the dark blue irises dancing over your features, wild and feeling. You read into his thoughts a bit, blushing greatly.

"Please?" His voice was low, a whisper, and very near you. You felt him trail his tongue over your ear, making you grit your teeth involuntarily. "I'll be good." He looked back over into your eyes, looking very sincere, though very blind to any real reason. You felt yourself get wetter, wanting him so much more...

"Fine, fine." Matt smiled widely and locked his mouth onto your neck, a sort of 'thank-you bite'. He hooked his thumbs onto the sides of your panties, running his fingers under the seam for a long moment. Slowly, he pulled them down to your knees, trying to tug them off all the way. You felt him lift you up for a second, pulling them off entirely and chucking them somewhere. You arched your back slightly, feeling his hands rub up and down your hips and thighs. You could feel yourself clutch at his back, the actual sensation taking a back seat to the immense pleasure you were focused on.

Matt pulled his mouth away from your throat, licking down your chest to kiss your stomach lightly. He let his hands wander to your inner thigh, the heat consuming his thoughts. His touches and kisses left you breathless, feeling so many emotions well up in your mind. You ran a hand down his shoulder blades and across his back, the muscles taught and smooth. Something suddenly pricked at the back of your mind, before a loud groan escaped your lungs.

Matt slipped his finger into your vagina slowly, the wet skin feeling like heaven on his hands. He continued to slide it in and out, the liquid inside running down his palm and dripping onto the bed. He watched the wet area with wide eyes, licking his lips slightly. He could feel his mouth water profusely, the saliva starting to run down his chin. He wiped it away with a hand, inserting another finger into the wet sheath.

You moaned again, feeling the building pleasure in your chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, beginning to lift your body up and down on his hand, wanting something more. Matt slid his fingers in and out more quickly now, the clear-ish secretion pooling up under his wrist. You moaned louder, the sounds tearing from your mouth faster than before. Matt groaned with pleasure as he ran a hand along his erection, trying to control himself. You dragged your fingernails along his back, seeing faint red marks in their wake.

Three fingers were inside you now, rubbing along your walls and feeling up into your most secret places. Below, you could hear Matt groan louder, trying to make you come. You smiled lightly through the look of ecstasy written on your face, stroking the top of his head with a shaky hand. Pressure built up in your chest, causing you to arch your back violently. Something was released inside of you and your muscles relaxed, feeling rivers of your cum run down your inner thighs. Matt smiled at his accomplishment, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. He held them up slightly, watching the liquid drip off of them and onto his knees below, getting more turned on by the second. He quickly shoved them into his mouth, tasting you on his hand.

You watched with heavy breaths and great interest. He, with his fingers still in his mouth, looked up at you.

"Delicious," he said, pulling his fingers out, leaving some cum to run down his chin. You smiled lightly and stared at his large member, completely erected, his boxers still on. He followed your gaze and smiled also, lifting himself up to remove the piece of clothing. He pulled it off quickly, falling back on the bed. He rested his head on one of the many pillows, looking at you from down his body. You got on your hands and knees, crawling over him to straddle his waist. Matt felt more liquid drip from your warmth to his erection, feeling ready to ravish you any second.

"Close your eyes," you whispered seductively, your own half-closed. Matt complied, clenching them shut. You stared down at his member, directly before you. It was larger than you had imagined, much more tantalizing. You gently ran a finger up the shaft and over the tip, seeing his body tense up and his back arch slightly. Before he could open his eyes, you situated your body over his, letting yourself drop onto his erection.

"Aaaah!" he yelled through gritted teeth, your vagina enveloping him. His hands immediately gripped your waist, your body heavy on his. He lifted you up with just his arm strength, slamming you down on himself over and over again.

You moaned loudly, his member stretching you in a big way. You felt his movements rocking your body, more cum dripping out of you rapidly. He moaned also, a deep growling sound emitting from his throat. Your head spun, not used to the quick, jerky movements. You screamed as he pushed himself into you farther, pain shooting up your abdomen. He growled again, flipping you over onto your back, keeping himself inside you.

You took a deep breath, the calming air rushing into your lungs, your body relaxing slightly. Suddenly, you yelled with pain and pleasure as Matt-- now fully on top of you-- thrust his member in and out of you with such force that you feared for your life for a moment. His body was heavy and hot, making you feel both uncomfortable and safe. You arched your neck, moans being released rapid fire. Matt grunted as he pumped into you, not feeling the least bit tired or ready to stop. His skin with soaked with sweat, dripping off of him and onto you repeatedly. His hair was also wet, clinging to his forehead and neck, not really bothering him but making it rather hard to see. His eyes were open, watching you squirm with the pleasure he was giving you.

With his face crinkled with an oncoming orgasm, he backed off of you, pulling out and sitting back on his heels. He came into his hands, the semen pouring onto the sheets. You sat up slightly, watching him rub up and down his shaft, just then remembering that he wasn't wearing a condom. "Thanks," you whispered with a small smile, extremely glad that he had noticed the carelessness of the moment.

He smiled back at you, looking ready for more. You backed up a little on the pillows as he sat on top of you once more. His body felt heavier and his breath was faster, his eyes wild and trained on you unrelentingly. He ran both his hands up your arms and down your back, your head against his chest. You heard his heartbeat echo in your ears, calming you considerably. His skin was hot and soaking wet, making you feel slightly warmer yourself. You closed your eyes, trying to calm your breath. Without warning, Matt shoved himself into you again, throwing all of his weight into the one thrust. You moaned involuntarily, clenching your teeth. You felt him pump in and out of you quickly, all the way in and all the way out, not stopping or faltering once. The vibrations sent pleasant shivers down into your legs and up your back, where his hands still resided. He ran his fingertips up and down your spine, urging you to play with him. You bucked your hips into his, feeling his member tense considerably. He smiled wildly and growled again, slamming all his weight down on you without any resistance. You screamed louder, digging your nails into his arms. He groaned at your touch, throwing his head back and biting his lip harshly.

You felt yourself begin to orgasm, clenching your eyes shut.

"Open them," he said, his voice strained with pleasure.


"Keep your eyes open," he leaned his head down to yours more, keeping his constant rhythm. "I want you to look at me when you come." You stared up at him, his pupils dilated with the rushing pleasure. You moaned again, closing your eyes at the suddenness of it. "No," he said again, bringing his hands up to hold your face still, "Open them." You slowly opened your eyes, feeling the wave of ecstasy wash over you. You scrunched your nose in pleasure, a deep, low moan escaping your throat.

He laughed deeply, still holding your face, "So beautiful." You looked away from him bashfully. "You're so beautiful when you come..." You felt a deep blush consume your face, closing your eyes again as you felt him tense up. He growled loudly and slid out of you, coming onto the bed. You released a long sigh, watching him take deep breaths and run hand down his shaft again, trying to remove all the semen. He looked so wonderful like that... naked. His hair was still clinging to his neck and forehead and his body glistened with sweat, he looked rather angelic.

You smiled as Matt crawled over to you once more, planting small, soft kisses along your shoulder and face. He stroked your back gently as he lay down behind you, laying an arm across your waist. You felt his breathing slow, washing over your neck in a calming manner. His chest was pressed to your back, the heat from his body overwhelming you.

You lay in his arms as he fell into a much-needed sleep, a smile breaking out on your face...

Failure in Distance: a Gaara lemon/one-shot

Your golden eyes narrowed as the sun shone into them cruelly. Wind whipped around your head, sending your thick waves of ebony hair into a frenzy. Beside you, Sabbath rolled over onto her back, her wide tongue sliding over her razor-edged teeth. You sighed, smiling down at her, clutching the handle of your sword. It was too early to be sent out on a mission, but work was work, you decided, going anyway. The Village Hidden in the Moonlight was your home, the center for obnoxious missions. You didn't mind... sometimes.

"Come on, Sab," you called out to the sable wolf, making your way down the road. The canine yawned, finally standing and trotting off behind you.



The mission was simple: get info. That couldn't be too hard. Your destination was the Village Hidden in the Sand, an endless landscape of sand and more sand. Did you mention sand? Yes, sand. You weren't used to hot weather seeing as you had always lived in the Moonlight, which was lush and green. But, Sabbath had; she was the last of her species, the type of wolf that could survive the desert. So, yes, you had some experience on your side. More wind rained down on your small figure, making you duck. Why wind... well, you were in the Wind Country... you guessed that could be it.

"Whatever," you mumbled to yourself, stomping on the dirt beneath your feet. Sabbath bared her fangs, her vermilion eyes scanning the terrain. "What is it, Sab?"

The black wolf growled lightly and shot off, leaping into the trees. You stopped, staring out to where she had disappeared. She would come back, you reasoned, continuing your journey.


"More sand?" You stood, looking out upon the expanse of desert before you. Sabbath smiled, her luminous eyes sparkling happily. "Yes, I know you love this, but I don't." You scowled and made your way down the dune, sliding on the fine material beneath your feet. Already, the sun bore down upon you, causing sweat to drip down your face and arms minutes after you began trekking around this place. "Why does it have to be so hot," you complained, watching Sabbath prance around in the red-hot dunes. "At least she's happy..."

Mirages popped up, sending you on angry rants about how the water was torturing you. Sabbath lopped along next to you now, rubbing her head against your hip every now and then in consolation. You smiled and patted her furry head, trucking on.

You reached into your pocket and pulled out an elastic, smirking. "This hair is so hot, time to put you up," you muttered, gathering the mass of inky locks on the top of your head. Your chalky bangs hung around your face in spikes of bleached hair, framing your cheeks in an appealing way. You reached up to rub your snowy wolf ears, trying to relieve them of all the sweat.

A bird flew overhead, catching your attention immediately. What bird was that big... and that color? It stretched its beige wings out to their full expanse, gliding to the ground only yards away. A gust of wind from the movement sent waves of sand into the air, and you ducked your head to avoid going blind. Sabbath crouched, her ears flat against her head. You reopened your eyes as the sand cleared, revealing the bird to you. It stood stock-still in the clearing grit, eyes blank and unseeing. Two people hopped off its back, starting toward you.



There was a silence as the three of you stared at each other. After a bit, a smile broke out on one of their faces. "Hello, un," the man said, pulling off his hat. You blinked at the man before you. Blond with this intense blue eye staring at you, only half of his face visible. The other pulled off his hat, revealing spiky red hair and lazy maroon eyes. Sabbath sniffed the air, her scarlet irises glowing. "Are you Kida Ookamiko, un?"

You glanced at the blond, "Yes..."

"Good, then we finally found you." You noticed the other man staring at your ears and tail, which was in total view despite the consequences of doing so.

"You must be Akanee," the redhead said slowly, voice smooth and indifferent.

"Yeah," you said again, backing up a bit.

"The nine-tailed wolf demon," the blond muttered to himself, pulling out a lump of something... clay? You gasped as Sabbath launched herself at him, clamping her jaws down on his wrist. The man screamed in pain, falling to his knees with the canine still latched onto him. Blood poured out onto the sand, staining it a violent red. The other man merely stared down at the struggling ninja.

"You know, Deidara, if you had just waited, the wolf wouldn't have bitten you..."

You crossed your arms over your chest, eyeing the writhing man on the ground. "You're not gonna help him," you asked the shorter one. He looked at you, sighing.

"No, he can deal with his own mistakes." Sabbath crunched down harder, a sickly snap resonating through the air. Deidara yelled again, ripping his arm out of the she-wolf's mouth. Blood spurted as he stumbled back, gasping and clutching his broken wrist. With a single azure eye, he stared at you.

"Control your dog, un," he said in a deathly quiet voice. You looked from him to Sabbath, who was licking the gore from her face.

"I have to go," you said suddenly, glaring at the sun, which was getting lower in the sky by the second. The redhead tilted his head slightly.


"Yes." You beckoned the happy wolf over to you, bending down to her level. "Never again," you said shortly, making her look at you. She let out a small whimper of apology and slung her tail down between her legs. You stood again, smiling eerily. "I really have to go." With your sword hanging heavily on your back and your wolf following at your heels faithfully, you set out across the sands once more.

The redhead sighed, looking over at the raging blond.

"Her wolf bit me, un!" He zoned a wide eye on the other man. "Sasori-danna, do something..." Sasori sighed again, looking back at your receding figure against the sun.

"Not now, Deidara, not now." He walked over to the bird and jumped on, waiting for his partner to do so as well. "Let's go," he called to Deidara, who was watching you walk away.


Your tail wagged spazzily as you looked out over the village. "Finally," you yelled, stretching your arms over your head in joy. Sabbath also wagged her tail, looking up at you with glittering ruby eyes. You ran a hand over her snout, flashing a wide grin.

The gates were huge and metal, a very foreboding entrance, you thought. The guards let you pass, seeing your Moonlight headband. More sand met your feet as you stepped beyond them, looking up at the towering buildings; which, to you, looked more like big blobs of sand, but you didn't really know...



People strolled through the streets, chattering on about such and such. A large building rose up in front of you, literally screaming "This is where the Kazekage is!" You bit your lip and continued the trek toward the door, avoiding all the staring pedestrians. Sabbath growled at a group of passing boys who smirked at you.

More guards let you pass, glancing at your wolfish features warily. You ignored them and headed up the stairs and to the office of the said Kazekage. Sabbath yelped a little when she came upon the door, you following right after. They were huge and wooden, almost as foreboding as the front gates. You knocked soundly against the hard surface, stepping back.

"Come in," someone said quietly from beyond the walls. You grasped the doorknob and turned it, pushing the door open with slight gusto.

"Hello, Mr. Kazekage," you said happily, pushing your hands into your pockets. The man at the desk looked up at you, frowning slightly. His sea-foam eyes, lined in black, eyed you intensely, pupil-less. "Uh, sir?"

"Who might you be?" His voice was low and alluring, but young as well.

"I'm Kida Ookamiko, ninja of the Village Hidden in the Moonlight." The scarlet-haired man stayed silent. "I'm here to get a scroll from you, the secret jutsu that was given to the previous Kazekage under false pretenses." You watched him cock an eyebrow. "It's very old, so it might have been put into storage somewhere..."

"I see," said the stoic man, looking at you head on. His pale eyes flickered in the dimming sunlight cascading through the window. Suddenly, his features turned grave. "You have ears?" You blinked, biting your lip.

"Uh, yeah, and a tail." He grimaced.

"You're a demon?"

"Yep," you clasped your hands behind your back, rocking on the balls of your feet. Sabbath sat down, licking her paw pensively.

"Just like me..." he whispered, standing up. You watched him step around the desk and over to a nearby closet, shuffling through the contents. Finally, he pulled out a scroll the size of Sabbath, placing it on the desk once he had re-situated himself behind it. You stared at it in shock, god, it was huge! How were you gonna get that back?...

The Kazekage sat down again, folding his arms on the desk top. "Is that what you need?"

"Uh, yeah," you said non-communally, cocking an eyebrow at it. "It's kinda lar-"

The door swung open and a guard stepped in. "Kazekage-sama, we have a security proble-"

"QUIET, YOU FOOL!" roared a voice which shook the building, sending the occupants reeling in confusion. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT MY MASTER!?" The guard yelled in shock and fear, falling to his knees, eyes clamped shut.

"I-I'm sorry, Kazekage-sama! I-I didn't mean to interrupt your g-guest." The flame-haired man stood, looking around silently.

"That wasn't me, or my demon..." He looked over at you, his quiet tone leveling out. "But, you..."

You rubbed your neck. "Heh, sorry, that's just Akanee. She can be kinda... loud..." You smiled bashfully, mentally smacking yourself. Way to make a good impression, Kida...

The Kazekage blinked, eyes widening slightly. "Really," he murmured, stepping around the desk once more. To the man on the floor, he said, "Out. Deal with it somehow." Then he proceeded to stare brutally. The poor, innocent guard yelped somewhat like a dog and got the heck out of there. The Kazekage sighed, looking at you-- a mere ten feet away. You smiled back nervously, hoping to god he wasn't that angry. "Akanee," he muttered, surprising you. "I've never heard of her."

"She's sort of an un-sung hero, er, demon. You know, one of the more ancient ones that is more of a legend that people know of than a demon people fear." He tilted his head slightly. "She's rather loud, as you could tell, but usually she's pretty mellow. I guess she's in a bad mood..."

"What does she look like?" His tone had gone from unfeeling to tinged with curiosity.

You rested all your weight on one foot thoughtfully. "Um, she's black with red markings on her legs, face, neck and sides. Her eyes are red as well, and she has these broken chains on two of her legs as a sort of symbol..." You pursed your lips in thought. "Oh yeah, she has seven tails, but it's hard to tell the difference from one or the other, so they all look like one huge tail." The Kazekage nodded, leaning back against the desk.

"What is her personality like?" Again, his voice had changed from just tinged with curiosity to dripping with it. You snapped your fingers, trying to come up with the right wording.

"Well, she's controlling, that's for sure. And she has to have things her way, if they're not, she gets angrier. Her element is shadow, so she is obsessed with riddles and mind games... you know, like how shadows are elusive, she's like a shadow. It's hard to find her, though. Only I've ever seen her, ever." You smiled. "But we get along." The man nodded again. "Kazek-"

"Gaara," he corrected shortly.

"Um, Gaara, why do you want to know, if I may ask?" The eyes of the silent man closed, forming thick stripes of sable on his face that reminded you of pain, just the way they sat.

"... I'm just interested in you," he said blankly, reopening his lids. "You are just like me..."

"Really," you asked, skeptical. He was beginning to sound sketchy with all the questioning. You coughed. "Well, Ga-"

"Will you allow me to take you to dinner, Kida-san," he asked in a low, almost demanding voice. You stifled a gasp.

"Uh, sure, I suppose. I don't have to return until tomorrow anyway."

"Good," he said softly, eyes boring into yours. Sabbath nudged you with her nose, trying to say something. You merely smiled down at her, tearing your glowing flaxen irises away from the enigma standing before you.


this is Akanee:


The night passed eventfully, what with all the talking and eating and trying to act normal. Gaara wasn't much of a talker by any means, but you found ways to get him to open up; like the way you asked him so many questions that were so deep, he took most of his time thinking about the answer than actually talking. You enjoyed the outing anyway.

Stars glimmered overhead in the most dazzling way, attracting your eyes. Beside you, Gaara-- in all of his stoic-ness --stood silent as he stared at you. You intrigued him to the max. The way you talked so freely with him, even the way you weren't the least bit fazed when the waitress began hitting on him in the most blatant way. You were definitely interesting. Your ears and tail, especially, drove him crazy. He had a demon, but he didn't have ears or a tail... Not that he wanted them, but still. You said that it was because Akanee always wants to be recognized for her power and no one will recognize her if no one can see the effect she has on her container, or 'master,' as Akanee calls you. Gaara sighed, biting the inside of his lip: you baffled him.

Sabbath raced around in circles, kicking up dust clouds big enough to cover the village. Your long hair brushed softly against your thighs as you walked, tugging on Gaara's sleeve slightly. "Say, Gaara?"


You smiled, "How old are you?" The Kazekage blinked, eyes softening.


"Oh, I see..." You crossed your arms, looking at Sabbath, who looked back playfully. "What's your demon's name?" Gaara froze, turning to stare at you. His pale irises searched your face painfully.

"Shukaku," he said plainly after the silence had wore off.

"Oh, so he's the big squirrel-type thing with one tail?" A nod. "Cool." Your glittering eyes scanned the horizon, admiring the setting sun and oncoming night. Two small silhouettes were standing near the corner of your peripheral vision, ominous. You quickly glanced at them, frowning. It was those two from before, the redhead and that blond guy, Deidara. The blond saw you staring and smirked, waving with his bandaged hand cheekily. The redhead merely stared, a look of slight content written on his flawless face. You watched them silently until Gaara stepped closer to you.

"Something wrong, Kida-san?" You noted the small amount of worry that tinged his voice.

"No, nothing's wrong... sorry." You turned to look at him, pulling a sincere smile. He nodded lightly, grabbing your sleeve. You stared down to where his pale fingers clutched the fabric of your silken top. Things didn't necessarily register too fast either when he pulled you closer, somewhat forcefully, and kissed you. His lips were freezing, a shocking cold that swept your breath right out of your lungs. Behind you, Sabbath lay down, watching closely. You felt the hands of the now-affectionate man wrap around your waist, pressing you to him. "Ga-Gaara," you managed to get out, feeling his tongue slip softly down the length of your lips.


"What is he doing!?" Deidara stomped his foot on the muffling sand. Sasori rolled his eyes, shushing him.

"Quiet, don't draw any attention to yourself."

"But, Sasori-danna-"

"No." There was a silence as Deidara struggled not to yell once more.

"But how come he gets to kiss her, un?" Sasori looked over at the fidgeting blond, whose eyes were locked on the couple.

"You're jealous?" He sounded rather incredulous.

Deidara laughed softly, "And you aren't?" There was another silence.

"Let's go grab her."


"I said, lets go grab her. She has a demon and she's beautiful, un." Sasori stared at the pony-tailed teenager beside him. "Even if you don't like her like that, Leader-sama still would want her for her powers..." He zoned his single, shimmering azure eye on the older puppet. Sasori looked back at the two people kissing in the distance, looking very much content in their own little happy bubble. Sure, he was jealous, but reputations were more important than desire. And, yes, the leader did tell them to collect her...

"After," he said in his velvety tone, still watching. Deidara blinked owlishly.

"After what?"

"After they're done." Deidara once again stared over at you and Gaara, in the other's arms.

"But we don't want them to... you know... do it, do we?" Sasori sighed, repositioning himself.

"If we do wait until after that, she'll be weaker, having used so much energy." The blond made a face at his partner's logic.

"It's kinda weird, Sasori-danna, but..." He slid his gaze to the couple again, frowning. "It should work."



"Gaara," you gasped lightly, feeling him drop you on the bed. It had been hard, having to find your way to his house and into his room without making a scene, but you had done it. The mattress was a welcoming sort of soft and fluffy, seeing as you two had been making out against a wall previously. Gaara slammed the door, again turning to you.

"Kida," he murmured, climbing on top of your body. You allowed him to kiss your neck, sliding his tongue over the contours your throat had to offer. Hot hands made their way to your shirt, tugging softly. You sighed against the warmth, shoving the piece of clothing up and over your head. Beautiful jade irises stared lovingly down at your face and body, caressing it with their gaze. You reached up and lightly tore off the clothing encircling the boy's body, leaving him bare. The heat from his chest radiated toward you, making the air heavy and your vision blurry.

"Let me..." he said softly, motioning to your chest. You nodded blankly and sat up, wrapping your slender arms around his neck. He kissed you again, slipping his searing hot tongue into your mouth with ease. It tickled your own, rubbing lightly along the corners of your mouth and leaving you breathless. You felt his unusually gentle fingers tamper with the clasp on your bra, attempting to pull the article off. To no avail, of course. You reached around and helped him, seeing an embarrassed blush spread over his pale cheeks. Your naked chest was visible to his eyes, now, tantalizing him to no end. A hand found its way to your breast, softly running the fingers over it. You could feel pleasure build up in your chest, beginning to feel good. Gaara leaned forward and enveloped the nipple in his mouth, sucking roughly. You felt his other hand toy with your other breast, blushing madly. Your fingers found their way to his hair, digging into the mess of scarlet.

Gaara kissed his way back up to your face, licking the hollow beneath your ear and along your jaw. His hands pulled at his own pants, the erection already full. Your body was wrapped around his, wanting to go deeper and needing to feel completed. The emotions were mutual.

Your long fingers grasped his manhood, now without covering. Gaara gasped and threw his head back at the sudden wave of pleasure. Wetness built up in your panties, watching your hands feel his shaft up and down with such deliberation. The skin was so soft and so hot, such a secret place. You smiled, letting him tug at your pants himself. You reached around and helped him, unbuttoning the front while he pulled down the back. Your red panties stood out shockingly against the white sheets, and Gaara could barely hold himself back from ravishing you right there.

You bent your head down and pressed your tongue to his tip, hearing him let loose a deep moan. The skin was silky and your mouth watered at the thought of him coming. "Gaara," you said softly, voice muffled by his manhood. "Lean back." He stared down at you with wide, glittering eyes, laying his body down dutifully on the bed. You reached out and dragged your nails down his chest and across his legs, feeling the skin thoughtfully. Your mouth engulfed his penis, not holding back anymore. You roughly sucked on the appendage, tasting the semen that dripped out, a product of his want. Gaara's back arched violently, his mouth letting loose a pleasured gasp and a just as pleasured scream. You smiled, closing your eyes and letting you primal instincts take over. Your teeth grazed the shaft, driving the man above wild.

Gaara dug his fingers into your hair, mouth hanging open in ecstasy. Saliva dripped down his chin as he screamed again, giving in to the endless waves of delight. Your mouth was heavenly against his manhood, making him struggle not to attack you in gratification. "Ki-Kida," he mumbled through the gasps, clenching his eyes shut.

"Hm," you said around your current distraction.

"I..." He moaned loudly. "I'm coming..." You smiled again, teasing his inner thighs with your fingers. Gaara's back arched again, this time more violently than before. A thick, tepid liquid poured into your mouth quickly, making you want to gag at first. Slowly, you sat up, looking the sweating man in the eyes. His irises shook with happiness and more need, a hand reaching out to stroke your leg thankfully. You felt the semen run down your chin, sticky and slightly uncomfortable. You swallowed the fluid quickly, licking your lips. Gaara sucked in a deep breath and beckoned you closer.

"Yes," you said once you were mere inches from his face.

"Get on me," he said quietly, still struggling for air. You smiled lightly and kneeled over him. His now-cooler hands held tightly to your waist, gripping with an overwhelming force that made you cringe inwardly. Your opening was very close to his tip, you noted with a small smirk. Gaara watched your own fluid drip down onto him, making his mind spin with intense need. He slammed your body down on him, hearing you cry out in shock. His penis pumped in and out of you at a moderate pace, seeing as he was already too tired to go faster. You rolled your head around on your shoulders, pushing your ivory bangs out of your face. You stared down at the man below you as you gasped for breath. He filled you almost to your limits, stretching you in a seemingly impossible way. His deep red hair looked gorgeous against the pale pillow, eliciting a smile from your mouth. You placed your palms flat on his sweating chest for balance, letting his thrusts rock your body.

Inside your head, Akanee smirked, her glistening fangs visible in the darkness. You frowned at her sudden appearance, wondering why she was there. "Master," she said in her low, rough voice.

"Yes," you mumbled, eyes closing as more pressure built up in your core.

"Beware the danger." You scowled.


"Just beware." She smiled like a sadist and slid out of your thoughts. You blinked slowly, feeling Gaara tense.

"Kida," he muttered, opening his eyes.


"Get off me..." You nodded softly and slid him out of you, feeling your back arch slightly. You came onto your hands, taking deep breaths. He watched the clear fluid drip onto the sheets, rubbing a hand up and down his shaft. His own back arched wildly for a split second before he relaxed, coming as well. You smiled to yourself, in the midst of thinking. Gaara lay very still and breathed, watching you crouch on his bed, naked in the moonlight. Your long waves of sable hair cascaded down your body and to the mattress, and your white bangs framed your face in the most angelic way. The ears that adorned your head and the tail that adorned your back were silky looking and shone slightly in the dim light.

The two of you smiled, looking at each other in a caring fashion.



Deidara kneeled quietly on the rooftop, looking in through the window. If they were gonna house the Kazekage in a normal house, than they might as well give it some security, Deidara reasoned, smiling. Sasori sat on the opposite side of the roof, looking in through another window. You were sitting on the bed, legs swung over the side. Beside you lay the Kazekage, sleeping lightly. "I guess it isn't dangerous for him to sleep with anther demon around," he whispered to himself, pondering the scene. You had on a long, gray kimono which was tied tightly around your waist with a wide black ribbon.

Deidara reached out and let a centipede crawl out of his palm-mouth and onto the window pane. He lifted two fingers to his lips, smiling behind them. "Katsu," he mumbled, looking through the glass at Sasori in the other facing window. The centipede exploded, sending tiny shards of glass in every direction.

You snapped your gaze to the window where you saw the blond climbing through, a wide smile scrawled across his cheeks. You stood, almost tripping over something on the ground, totally unprepared to fight. Deidara looked past your shoulder at something, prompting you to do the same. Your eyes caught sight of Gaara in the grasp of a large being wearing a black cloak. Sasori stepped around the thing, a serene look on his face. "Got him," he said softly, tilting his head slightly. You gasped and swung around to meet Deidara's arm.

"Gotcha," the teen said happily, grabbing both your wrists in his hands. You attempted to rip yourself out of his grasp, to no avail. He chuckled lightly, mouth by your ear. "Come with us, un," he asked in a politely smooth tone. You grimaced, still staring at Sasori and his creature, with a struggling Gaara in its grasp. The redhead smiled very unnoticeably, walking toward you.

"Kida Ookamiko," he said in a subdued voice, looking you in the eye, "we'll make a deal with you." You eyed him warily. "You either let us take you or him." There was a deafening silence as you glanced between him and Deidara and back to between him and Gaara.

"W-Why?" Outside the door, Sabbath growled, smelling the intruders.

"Both of you carry demons that are necessary to our organization's goals," the redhead replied patiently. You stared past him at the thing that was holding the angry Gaara back.

"What is that... thing?" He turned to look at the said object, eyes softening slightly when he looked at you again.

"A puppet." You blinked your glimmering eyes, confused and losing hope. A... puppet?

"Sasori-danna's also a puppet, un," the blond said, his voice loud next to your ear. You flinched, feeling something wet swipe at your wrists. Sabbath growled again, slamming her body against the door. Gaara muttered something under his breath, eyes blazing.

"Let her go!" he yelled angrily, struggling against the wooden bonds of the human-like puppet.

"No chance, unless she lets us take you, un," Deidara said smugly, nuzzling the back of your neck with his nose mockingly. You froze at the touch, cursing yourself in your head. Sasori frowned, feeling jealousy well up in his chest.

"Let's just go," he said plainly, eyeing the seething Kazekage.

"But I'm having fun," the blond whined with a large eye.

"Yes, but we got the stronger demon already." He looked pointedly at you, catching your gaze. You stared into his maroon irises for a long moment, feeling helpless.

"No! Don't you dare take her with you!" Deidara looked at Gaara joyously.

"Oh well. Let's go, Sasori-danna." The redhead nodded shortly, moving his fingers the slightest bit. The puppet that confined Gaara reached out with a spindly hand and whacked him in the neck, making him go limp.

"Gaara..." you murmured, frowning. Deidara smiled widely, pulling you out the window with him. Sasori eyed the door, where the sound of an angry wolf vibrated the door. He looked around the room once more, picked up your sword from a nearby chair and hopped out the window, taking his puppet with him.

Well, romance stories always do have happy endings...


Look! It's... fanservice!...

Heya! Yeah, it was a little sketchy at the end, and I might make a second part, but I don't know. Anywho, I really hoped you enjoyed it... lots. Rate and message!


Whirlwind: the lemon [only] (originally for Lipgloss247)

"Sasuke," you mumbled against his lips, closing your fingers around the fabric of his shirt.

He dipped his tongue in and out of your mouth, claiming you over and over. You knew your body didn't want it to stop, and your mind fully agreed. But... what about...

"Sasuke-kun," you said a little louder, feeling him start to suck harshly on your lip as if to say he didn't want you speaking. Eventually, he pulled back a bit, staring into your eyes with a velvety black gaze.

"Yes, Varunee-chan?" he purred, running a hand through your hair.

"Wh-" You stopped for a moment, noting the lustful glaze to his eyes. "What are you doing?" Sasuke tilted his head at your words, sending flutters around your body. He rested his forehead against yours, breathing in deeply your scent.

"Because," he began, smirking lightly, "you're mine." There was a silence as you rolled his words around in your head.

"I'm... yours?"

"Yeah," he breathed, licking at your cheek suggestively. You flinched at the wet line it left, teasing you about something you seemed to be missing. "And," he started once more, "I'm going to have you until you never forget that it's me who you want." You felt a cold sweep your body. You leaned back a tad to sweep your gaze over the hunched form of the Uchiha. He was different than before. His aura was overwhelming, filled with desire and a newfound power. His entire being dripped with the lithe essence of a ravenous panther: dark and deadly, yet oh-so alluring nonetheless.


You felt a giggle rise in your throat and you swallowed it back. You'd love to have sex with him... that was for sure. A blush spread over your face. He smirked again, running his fingers along your face and tracing your lips lightly.

"This is what I've wanted for so long," Sasuke muttered. He climbed on top of you, slipping a hand up to cradle your neck gently. You let him place soft, feeling kisses along your jaw, letting the tip of his tongue tease the skin. He was a master of enticement; you felt your mouth water at his touches.

His freezing fingers quickly tore your shirt off, something you weren't expecting at all. You felt exposed, and, for a second, could almost hear his silent approval. "You're so... breathtaking, Varunee-chan." His voice was clear and husky, and very close to your ear. You smiled shyly, looking down at your white-laced bra. He looked down at it as well, running a curious index finger over the fringe as it lay against your boiling skin. You closed your eyes tight as his hand slipped under it, pulling the article of clothing off without unclasping it. You felt a slight gust of cool air breeze over your exposed breasts, and your nervousness heightened.

Sasuke sucked in a deep breath, leaning back on his hands. You sat there quietly, arms crossed over your chest bashfully, eyes adverted to the bed. Moonlight filtered in through the slit shades, casting lines of pure white glow across your sun-darkened skin. He smiled fondly, reaching up to finger a strand of auburn hair with a thin, pallid finger. You reddened at his touch, biting into your full bottom lip. He smirked again, grabbing your wrists and uncrossing your arms, earning a whimper of protest from you. "Don't hide it," he murmured, pressing his cool lips to your collar bone. Leaning back, he gazed upon your bare chest. You squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring the feelings of self-conciousness that were setting in. A small laugh escaped his mouth. "With a body this beautiful, I'm surprised you're so worried of what I think..."

You gasped lightly, looking up at him. "Well, I-I've never been told that before."

He frowned, pulling you into his lap and resting your head against his semi-bare chest. "It's true..." You blushed again, smiling against his skin.


"... Yes?" You felt a cold hand slip underneath your skirt and caress your upper leg. Shivers rushed up and down your body.

"May I stay the night with you?" You swallowed at his polite question, hearing the simper in his tone. You nodded slightly, smiling happily. He laughed. "Good..." With seemingly one flick of his wrist, he had your skirt off. You jumped at the freezing air that hit you, forgetting you were in your lingerie at this point.

"Cold..." you shivered, heading to dive under the comforter gracing the bed. At the sound of Sasuke's soft chuckle, you looked down. Seeing your lacy panties made you start. "When..."

"Varunee-chan?" Sasuke's smooth, desirable voice cooed in your ear.


"Would you let me remove that?" His words were delicious.

You nodded absently, longing to feel his hands on your hot skin. He reached down and slowly slid the small pair of underwear off, turning you around to face him. You looked away, trying not to blush or embarrass yourself in any way. Suddenly, his mouth was on your chest, seductive in its impromptu appearance. You gasped as his teeth grazed your nipple, exciting you. You dug your hands into his spikes of ebony hair, crushing his mouth harder to your own breast. He smiled against the supple skin, rubbing his tongue against the hardened bud of pink. You moaned softly, urging him on with your hands. Sasuke leaned up, removing his mouth from your chest, and licked at your ear, whispering sweet words of reassurance to you. You felt your body begin to completely give in to this master's touches.

Finally, after exhausting you with his caresses, Sasuke stood up on the bed. You craned your neck to look up at him, smiling as he stared back down. With experienced hands, he removed his shirt with a painstaking sluggishness. You licked your lips at the sight of his flawless skin sitting untouched against his chest. Sasuke smirked at your longing gaze, taking even longer to slip his pants down to his ankles and kick them off the bed. You moaned into the still air, suddenly needing him. He fell to his knees, attacking your mouth with a rough kiss. You let him take what he wanted, sucking on your tongue and biting at your lips. You reached a curious hand out a grasped the bulge in his pants, causing a groan of pleasure to escape his lips. You watched him lean back onto his hands again, silently asking you to continue. You obliged with happiness, running your fingers up and over his member. Sasuke gasped for air at the oncoming waves of ecstasy, arching his back involuntarily. You sighed as the atmosphere in the room got steamier.

Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed your wrist, looking over at you with a craving in his needy, obsidian irises. You pulled your hand away from his erect manhood, backing up toward the pillows shyly. Sasuke stood up again on shaky legs, eyes never once leaving yours. With trembling fingers, he pulled off his boxers, exposing himself to you. You stifled a gasp: he was beautiful! Erotic gasps for breath came from his parted lips, sweat building up on his neck and shoulders.

"Varunee-chan..." he mumbled, licking his lips.

"Yes, Sasuke-kun?" You blinked slowly, attempting to advert your eyes from his now-throbbing member.

"Do you see what you do to me?..." You tore your gaze away from his lower abdomen and looked the Sound Nin in the eyes. He peered down with a heavy look, filled with craving. You choked back a gasp.

"I didn't know you felt this way, Sasuke-kun..."

"You wouldn't have known, Varunee-chan." His tone was low and breathy. You smiled shyly.

"What now?" Sasuke cocked a thin eyebrow at your quiet question.

"Like I said before," he jumped on you, making you fall back onto the bed. With a devious smile, he rested his forehead against yours. "I'm going to make you mine." You gasped as he bit down on your sensitive neck, sucking at the silky skin. With shaking hands, you ran your manicured fingers through his hair, softly prodding him forward. Suddenly, something incredibly pleasurable washed over you.

Sasuke slid his penis into you slowly, grunting at the effort. You widened your eyes, biting down on your lip harshly. With his body weight supported by his arms, he pumped in and out, almost pensively at first, but quickly gaining momentum. You felt moans tear from your mouth in quick succession following his every thrust. Sasuke watched you gasp for air with glazed eyes, his own chest heaving.

He filled you completely with himself, pressing up into your most unknown places. You let out a whimpering moan, feeling his pelvis crush down on yours. He licked his lips again, trying to control his primal male instinct to ravish you. Sweat rolled off your face and down your chest, tantalizing him. With his mouth watering profusely, Sasuke clenched his eyes shut, focusing solely on the feel of your own physical secrets.

You felt your body pushing against the mattress as the tempting man above your self drove into you harder. You kept your mouth hanging open, air not rushing to your lungs fast enough. An ever-present blush stained your cheeks, hotter than hell. You grasped as his back and shoulders, screams of ecstasy filling the room. He was so good; his body melded into yours, creating a cocoon of severe emotional enjoyment. You smiled through the pleasure scrawled across your cheeks.

Sasuke grunted once more, face pressed against your searing hot neck. His tongue hung out of his mouth slightly with the violent desire taking over his being, leaving him to drool unabashedly. He took note that he should be humiliated to look like this: shaking, gasping, moaning "Oh, Varunee!" over and over in a strained voice. But it didn't matter. Sasuke felt you wrap your legs around his waist. This was what he had wanted for the years after he had left Konoha. Every time he had thought about your smiling form, draped in pink, chatting away about nothing; he had wanted to hear you gasp his name, kiss his mouth, envelope him in your undying affection. And maybe that wasn't what this was. But at least for this short amount of time, he could rightfully call you his. Despite the overwhelmingly satisfying amounts of love he was receiving from you at present, he needed it to be like this for all time... he needed it.

You felt Sasuke tense up, his breathing getting choppy and strained. "Ugh, V-Varunee-chan..." he mumbled out against the wet skin of your neck, feeling saliva drip off the tip of his tongue.

"I-I don't care..." you murmured, stroking his head and back soothingly.

"Why... not?" He groaned into the oncoming waves of pleasure.

"You would have to stay... with me..." you muttered almost thoughtfully, clenching your jaw as he thrust a little too hard. Sasuke watched you out of the corner of his droopy eyes, trying to swallow back more saliva, but failing. Happiness swelled inside of his chest, shocking him. He... could stay with you... this way.

But, did he really want to do this to you? Sasuke felt you drag your nails lightly up his back, making his body tingle ever more. If it meant... having you...

He arched his back harshly, feeling his orgasm near. You moaned again, smiling slowly. With lust-glazed mauve eyes, you glanced toward his face, pressed sideways against your neck. His eyes were shut, and thin streaks of moonlight fell across his form. You smiled again, feeling him tense even more. With one more soft groan of happiness, you came.

Sasuke smiled as your givings slipped down his thighs, your hot breath prodding him on. He gasped again, shoving himself further into you, forcing himself to arrive faster at his final destination. Rushes of pleasure roared through his head, making him dizzy and causing severe grunts to tear from his mouth. Sasuke gritted his teeth at the speeding of his heart and the urgency of his craving. He gasped again when your hand made itself known against his inner thighs. "Thought you might need help," you murmured, stroking his sweat-covered skin with slow deliberation. Sasuke stared at you, his onyx irises glittering with a newfound love. You were so perfect.

With a final thrust, he came as well. You felt him become rigid for a moment, then relax, his chest heaving against yours. You smiled, petting his head softly and savoring the warmth that spread around your body. Sasuke slipped his member out of you, staring at his hand now covered in semen. He watched you take it, sucking on each of his fingers softly and ridding his hand of the fluid. He smiled hesitantly, seeing as the feeling of the happiness was still foreign. Sasuke rolled off of you, laying on his back against the cool sheets. You rolled over onto your side, grasping his arm lightly.

"Comfortable?" you asked simply and with a sweet smile. He nodded, staring at you closely. You sat up slowly, standing up from the bed and pulling a nearby robe on. As you tied the sage-colored band around you, you sighed, running a hand through your shiny, auburn hair. You left the room, leaving Sasuke alone to feel empty without you.

Minutes later, you returned, carrying two glasses of water and a warm washcloth. Sasuke's eyes widened and he sat up. Too quickly, it seemed, and he quickly pressed a hand to his forehead to calm the throbbing headache that ensued. You clicked your tongue at him, placing the glasses down on the night stand with the now-cold cup of tea. Sitting down beside him, you tilted his face to look at yours. Sasuke blinked his sable-hued eyes, looking down into your own gray-purple ones. He sighed as you wiped his face off with the soothing cloth, ridding him of the leftover sweat and saliva.

You smiled at his content expression, imagining that he had never had anyone 'take care of' him before like this. After finishing with the cleaning, you handed him one of the glasses. "Drink," you ordered softly, taking your own and leaning your head on his shoulder. He looked down at you, clothed in your pale green robe and looking like an angel. He raised the glass to his lips, taking a sip of the cool water. "Good," you said liltingly, "I'm glad you're happy..."

Sasuke stopped mid-drink, tilting his head to look you full in the face. "Varunee-chan," he said clearly, cupping your cheek.

"... Yes, Sasuke-kun?..."

"..." There was a silence as he opened and closed his mouth, finally sighing in defeat. "I love you, Varunee-chan."

Your eyes widened in surprise and time kind of froze. "You... love me?" Sasuke smirked at your incredulous, yet ecstatic, tone.

"For sure..."


:3 Love it, no?
