Friday, June 12, 2009

Clashing Heads: Matt [Mail Jeeves] lemon only

... He kissed you roughly, holding your face still in his palms. His tongue dipped in and out of your mouth, not letting your own join. He bit down on your lip, your gasp only prodding him further. He finally pulled away, his forehead pressed to yours and his breathing ragged. "Let's take this to the bedroom..."


"Yes," he pulled you up and dragged you into the bedroom, tossing you on the bed. As he began to pull his vest off messily, you propped yourself up on your elbows. He was down to his boxers at this point, so overwhelmed with blinding passion, his clothes scattered unceremoniously on the floor. He looked down at you with wide, glazed eyes, his chest heaving with breaths of wanting.

You only laughed lightly as he attacked your own clothes, pulling at the stretchy material without any clue of what he was doing. This was really getting somewhere...

He lips met your neck in a heated kiss, clutching you to himself with such force that you had to keep your mouth wide open in order to breathe. His tongue ran the length of your neck and shoulder, stopping only to bite harshly down on your collarbone. You felt the slight pain coarse through your chest and you grabbed his head, digging your fingers into his scalp. He groaned as your nails scratched against him, continuing to devour your throat.

You pulled him down onto the bed with you, him on top and you on your back. He had you in your bra, panties and pants, not able to take off the rest without removing himself from you. He took no notice, though, and pressed his mouth to yours messily, getting all he wanted from you.

You moaned loudly, "Matt."

He let his lips linger on your chin, his eyes closed, "Yes?"

"Let me take off my clothes."

He kissed your chin lightly and rolled off of you, climbing farther onto the bed. He leaned against the pillows, watching you with great interest. You stood up on the bed, beginning to pull your pants down with painstaking sluggishness. He groaned deeply, eyeing your black panties sitting low on your hips.

You watched him lick his lips and widen his eyes at the sight of your almost bare thighs. A small laugh escaped your mouth, seeing him in so much mental torture. You let your pants drop to your ankles, kicking them off of the bed. You reached around to your back, implying the removal of your bra. Matt rolled over onto his stomach, never tearing his gaze from you. You ran your fingers over the line of your bra, where the lace met your skin, feeling in control and generally good about yourself. You pulled at the material a bit, giving the horny red-head a small glimpse of your breast. He opened and closed his mouth somewhat like a fish, crawling closer to you on his hands and knees. You could hear his heavy breathing, the sound reaching your ears at a fast pace. The heat of the room and Matt's eyes on you was making you wet, more feelings pounding through your body.

Matt kneeled at your feet, grasping your leg tightly. He ran his mouth and tongue up and down your calf, the hot breath making your head tingle. You quickly removed the bra, tossing it behind you. Matt leaned back, staring up at your large chest. You glanced down and, seeing him smile, fell on top of him, legs on either side of his. He held your waist gently, savoring the view that hovered at eye-level. Slowly, he leaned in and licked down your cleavage, his mouth hot and wet. You moaned softly, running a hand deftly through his hair.

You arched your neck sharply as he bit down on your nipple. The feeling was painful, but not enough to hurt. Matt reached up with the other hand, toying with your other breast. You smiled as he rolled his tongue over the bud, sucking and caressing it. You felt waves of pleasure and giddiness rock your body, your eyes closed, concentrating on the feelings. His hair brushed your chest as your buried your fingers in it once again.

Matt continued his treatment, his fingers moving blindly over the other nipple. Quickly, he pulled away and slammed his mouth down on the other one, hearing you gasp above. His teeth grazed the sensitive bump of skin, making it harden even more. Matt smiled into the love-fest, feeling your body heat up under his hands.

You felt him pull away for the second time, his mouth coming up to meet yours. You took his face in your hands, sliding your tongue into his mouth with ease, as it was already open and waiting. He let you explore his own mouth, taking care not to let his heated wants get in the way. You ran the tip over the inside of his cheek, tasting him with great determination. His mouth was hot, very hot and very wet, making your own mouth water with excitement. It was soft also, and you went to great lengths to feel every inch of it.

Matt let his tongue slide over yours, feeling very much left out. He felt himself get harder, your knee rubbing slightly against his inner thigh. He moaned inwardly as it continued to torture him, making his mind scream in frustration. Finally, he dragged his mouth from yours with much hesitation, looking you in the eye. You looked back into his, your green ones wide and locked onto his face. He stared back, the dark blue irises dancing over your features, wild and feeling. You read into his thoughts a bit, blushing greatly.

"Please?" His voice was low, a whisper, and very near you. You felt him trail his tongue over your ear, making you grit your teeth involuntarily. "I'll be good." He looked back over into your eyes, looking very sincere, though very blind to any real reason. You felt yourself get wetter, wanting him so much more...

"Fine, fine." Matt smiled widely and locked his mouth onto your neck, a sort of 'thank-you bite'. He hooked his thumbs onto the sides of your panties, running his fingers under the seam for a long moment. Slowly, he pulled them down to your knees, trying to tug them off all the way. You felt him lift you up for a second, pulling them off entirely and chucking them somewhere. You arched your back slightly, feeling his hands rub up and down your hips and thighs. You could feel yourself clutch at his back, the actual sensation taking a back seat to the immense pleasure you were focused on.

Matt pulled his mouth away from your throat, licking down your chest to kiss your stomach lightly. He let his hands wander to your inner thigh, the heat consuming his thoughts. His touches and kisses left you breathless, feeling so many emotions well up in your mind. You ran a hand down his shoulder blades and across his back, the muscles taught and smooth. Something suddenly pricked at the back of your mind, before a loud groan escaped your lungs.

Matt slipped his finger into your vagina slowly, the wet skin feeling like heaven on his hands. He continued to slide it in and out, the liquid inside running down his palm and dripping onto the bed. He watched the wet area with wide eyes, licking his lips slightly. He could feel his mouth water profusely, the saliva starting to run down his chin. He wiped it away with a hand, inserting another finger into the wet sheath.

You moaned again, feeling the building pleasure in your chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, beginning to lift your body up and down on his hand, wanting something more. Matt slid his fingers in and out more quickly now, the clear-ish secretion pooling up under his wrist. You moaned louder, the sounds tearing from your mouth faster than before. Matt groaned with pleasure as he ran a hand along his erection, trying to control himself. You dragged your fingernails along his back, seeing faint red marks in their wake.

Three fingers were inside you now, rubbing along your walls and feeling up into your most secret places. Below, you could hear Matt groan louder, trying to make you come. You smiled lightly through the look of ecstasy written on your face, stroking the top of his head with a shaky hand. Pressure built up in your chest, causing you to arch your back violently. Something was released inside of you and your muscles relaxed, feeling rivers of your cum run down your inner thighs. Matt smiled at his accomplishment, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. He held them up slightly, watching the liquid drip off of them and onto his knees below, getting more turned on by the second. He quickly shoved them into his mouth, tasting you on his hand.

You watched with heavy breaths and great interest. He, with his fingers still in his mouth, looked up at you.

"Delicious," he said, pulling his fingers out, leaving some cum to run down his chin. You smiled lightly and stared at his large member, completely erected, his boxers still on. He followed your gaze and smiled also, lifting himself up to remove the piece of clothing. He pulled it off quickly, falling back on the bed. He rested his head on one of the many pillows, looking at you from down his body. You got on your hands and knees, crawling over him to straddle his waist. Matt felt more liquid drip from your warmth to his erection, feeling ready to ravish you any second.

"Close your eyes," you whispered seductively, your own half-closed. Matt complied, clenching them shut. You stared down at his member, directly before you. It was larger than you had imagined, much more tantalizing. You gently ran a finger up the shaft and over the tip, seeing his body tense up and his back arch slightly. Before he could open his eyes, you situated your body over his, letting yourself drop onto his erection.

"Aaaah!" he yelled through gritted teeth, your vagina enveloping him. His hands immediately gripped your waist, your body heavy on his. He lifted you up with just his arm strength, slamming you down on himself over and over again.

You moaned loudly, his member stretching you in a big way. You felt his movements rocking your body, more cum dripping out of you rapidly. He moaned also, a deep growling sound emitting from his throat. Your head spun, not used to the quick, jerky movements. You screamed as he pushed himself into you farther, pain shooting up your abdomen. He growled again, flipping you over onto your back, keeping himself inside you.

You took a deep breath, the calming air rushing into your lungs, your body relaxing slightly. Suddenly, you yelled with pain and pleasure as Matt-- now fully on top of you-- thrust his member in and out of you with such force that you feared for your life for a moment. His body was heavy and hot, making you feel both uncomfortable and safe. You arched your neck, moans being released rapid fire. Matt grunted as he pumped into you, not feeling the least bit tired or ready to stop. His skin with soaked with sweat, dripping off of him and onto you repeatedly. His hair was also wet, clinging to his forehead and neck, not really bothering him but making it rather hard to see. His eyes were open, watching you squirm with the pleasure he was giving you.

With his face crinkled with an oncoming orgasm, he backed off of you, pulling out and sitting back on his heels. He came into his hands, the semen pouring onto the sheets. You sat up slightly, watching him rub up and down his shaft, just then remembering that he wasn't wearing a condom. "Thanks," you whispered with a small smile, extremely glad that he had noticed the carelessness of the moment.

He smiled back at you, looking ready for more. You backed up a little on the pillows as he sat on top of you once more. His body felt heavier and his breath was faster, his eyes wild and trained on you unrelentingly. He ran both his hands up your arms and down your back, your head against his chest. You heard his heartbeat echo in your ears, calming you considerably. His skin was hot and soaking wet, making you feel slightly warmer yourself. You closed your eyes, trying to calm your breath. Without warning, Matt shoved himself into you again, throwing all of his weight into the one thrust. You moaned involuntarily, clenching your teeth. You felt him pump in and out of you quickly, all the way in and all the way out, not stopping or faltering once. The vibrations sent pleasant shivers down into your legs and up your back, where his hands still resided. He ran his fingertips up and down your spine, urging you to play with him. You bucked your hips into his, feeling his member tense considerably. He smiled wildly and growled again, slamming all his weight down on you without any resistance. You screamed louder, digging your nails into his arms. He groaned at your touch, throwing his head back and biting his lip harshly.

You felt yourself begin to orgasm, clenching your eyes shut.

"Open them," he said, his voice strained with pleasure.


"Keep your eyes open," he leaned his head down to yours more, keeping his constant rhythm. "I want you to look at me when you come." You stared up at him, his pupils dilated with the rushing pleasure. You moaned again, closing your eyes at the suddenness of it. "No," he said again, bringing his hands up to hold your face still, "Open them." You slowly opened your eyes, feeling the wave of ecstasy wash over you. You scrunched your nose in pleasure, a deep, low moan escaping your throat.

He laughed deeply, still holding your face, "So beautiful." You looked away from him bashfully. "You're so beautiful when you come..." You felt a deep blush consume your face, closing your eyes again as you felt him tense up. He growled loudly and slid out of you, coming onto the bed. You released a long sigh, watching him take deep breaths and run hand down his shaft again, trying to remove all the semen. He looked so wonderful like that... naked. His hair was still clinging to his neck and forehead and his body glistened with sweat, he looked rather angelic.

You smiled as Matt crawled over to you once more, planting small, soft kisses along your shoulder and face. He stroked your back gently as he lay down behind you, laying an arm across your waist. You felt his breathing slow, washing over your neck in a calming manner. His chest was pressed to your back, the heat from his body overwhelming you.

You lay in his arms as he fell into a much-needed sleep, a smile breaking out on your face...

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