Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cri de Coeur: the limey lemon.

Before he could even predict her next action, Melody shoved him back on the bed and climbed onto the futon to straddle his hips. Nagato stared up at her smirking face and dread lit up in his mind. She could feel him tremble beneath her legs and the panicky look in his eyes made her heart jump forward. "Pretty boy," she cooed as she moved to tie his hands above his head with chakra string, "you're so good..."

"N-no, please," he squeaked in alarm, feeling his arms become immobilized. "Don't do this..."

"Shush, boy," she told him in a sweet voice but with venomous eyes, "just relax."

Nagato's eyes burned with tears. "I-I'm begging you, please don't do this. I... I can't... I won't be able to-"

Her hand slid up his shirt and he gasped in surprise. The heat of it melded into his cold skin and he reluctantly sighed when she continued to touch him. "Pretty, pretty boy. It's be such a waste if I didn't do this now," she was saying over his shaky gasps. Her fingers moved quickly over the ripples and contours of his abdomen and chest and left little rivets of blood along the way with her claws. "Don't you like this?" she asked mockingly, rubbing the pads of her thumbs over his nipples harshly so his body jerked in shock. She did it again and again, pinching at the tender nubs until tears rolled down his cheeks and he began pleading with her to stop. "Oh, learn to accept it," she crooned, digging her knees into his sides, "if you do, it'll feel so much better. And I want to take this time to make you feel good." Melody licked her lips and bared razor teeth as he continued with the tears.

"N-no! Don't! S-stop touching me t-there!" His body jerked again when she dragged a claw across one of his sore nipples and moved the other hand down to feel the hem of his pants. The heat of her fingers soon permeated the coldness of his legs as her skin touched his.

"Boy, listen to me," she murmured, rubbing at his leg from within his pants, "let yourself go and it'll be okay. I promise to be gentle as long as you don't oppose me." Melody smiled as Nagato shuddered when her hand grazed his inner thigh. "You have so much to give here -- why not give it to me?"

Even through the haze of his terror and embarrassment, Nagato could sense the simper in her tone. "Pl-please, no..." He gasped as her claws pricked the vulnerable area near his upper inner thigh. "I-it's not right-"

"Oh, shush," she told him in a sickly sweet tone, "and relax." Slowly, she undid the button on his pants and tugged the black article of clothing down until she could pull it off completely. It landed somewhere near a vine climbing up a trellis after she tossed it behind her, and Nagato stared at them -- laying on the floor -- with longing. And his shirt went, too.

And then her hand was somewhere else and he gasped loudly. "W-what? N-no! Don't-"

Melody just smirked and rubbed her thumb over the silken underside of his penis. "Oh, don't look at me with such a pitiful expression," she purred in utmost pleasure, "it makes me want to eat you up." Her tongue darted out to swipe at her lips and Nagato could see a predatory sheen flash in her eyes. Then all he could see was darkness as his eyes clenched shut and Melody's claws pricked the tender skin there. "So sorry," she said with a smile in her tone, "but it'll heal. Now, boy: say something for me, okay? Will you do that?"

Nagato felt sick. "Y-yes..."

"Good boy. Ask me to make you come." Her other hand reached up to brush some of his dark hair away from his face. And her grin widened when the dampness of his cheeks was more apparent. "Come on; don't make me force it out of you..."

His head hurt and his throat was so tight he felt he couldn't breathe. "Make m-me-"

"Ask it, boy." Her feeling of power was leaking all over the room by now.

"W-will you please make me... c-come?" It was a pained whisper, but she smiled anyway.

"Why, of course!" she exclaimed with delight, squeezing her fingers around his member a bit tighter and he gasped as a result. And then there was a pulling motion, friction between her skin and his and such a rush of feeling to the head, everything in Nagato's world spun like nothing he'd ever felt before.

"N-no- Ah! Pl-please... Ungh." Sounds and noises ripped from his sore throat as her hand moved up and down his cock. The muscles in his neck and chest kept tensing and his head felt light. Everything seemed rougher and heavier and brighter and more wonderful. "Don't! I'm feeling... I feel s-sick!" He slapped a hand over his mouth to hold back an involuntary moan as her index finger decided to aggressively rub against is penis' head.

"So sorry," she crooned over the relentless amount of sounds that tore from his open mouth. "But it'll feel better soon, you know." And she leaned her head down to blow cool air on the quivering length of his dick. Nagato cringed at the strange feeling and whimpered as her hands picked up with the ruthless touching and jerking around of his most sensitive area.

He moaned again and something warm welled up in his lower back. It bloomed and spread like a numbing syrup across his body and into his limbs, creating a soothing, tickling feeling that made him want to sigh. But her hands touching his penis so forcefully, so possessively, made him want to cry and beg her for more all at once. And this newfound feeling made his heart leap with want.

"Oh, now what do we have here?" Melody said offhandedly, blinking curiously at the hardened appendage in her hand. "Is that a drop of desire?" She looked up at his tear-stained face with blazing eyes. "Now, now, boy: don't tell me you like this? It'll make me go crazy." Her gaze returned to the semen beginning to leak out of his penis' head.

"N-no, don't look at it!" he pleaded, going red in the face. "I don't l-like this-"

"Don't lie, boy. Pleasure is a blatant emotion." She smiled and gave his dick a hard tug, to which he gasped and felt the warm feeling heighten. And when her thumb kneaded small, concentrated circles along the underside and downward toward his testicles, his back arched and -- all at once -- he felt light and airy and overwhelmed with happiness he couldn't place.

The oozing feeling dripped slowly into his mind and he felt his eyes want to roll back into his head as her hands worked whatever dark magic she controlled over him. "M-Melody," he gasped through trembling lips, "s-slower... i-it hurts, and I-I'm gonna-" He choked on a breath as she pulled intently at the sensitive skin along the rim of the head. "N-not there-!"

"Oh, yes there," she said quietly, licking her lips as his body shook in shock and discomfort and enjoyment. "You like it when I brutalize you, no?"

"S-stop!" he begged, biting his lip as her hands brought the warm feeling to a near peak in his head and near his tail-bone. "I-I'm going to... I'm gonna-"

And he came, releasing his semen in translucent, pearly strings that spattered up and across his heaving chest. For a second, his ringed eyes widened, but then they drooped as the fuzzy, tickling sensation swept his spent body. Melody stared at his face, at the tears leaking from the corners of his eyes, at the sweat and saliva that patterned his chin, at the tiny drops of semitransparent fluid that had spattered out to drip down his pulsing neck. He was beautiful.

"Good boy," Melody whispered into the air, "you're very good. Now roll over." She glanced down at his gradually softening member and nudged it with a claw. "Now."

Nagato was too exhausted to think. He heard her voice but it was a buzzing, and he couldn't see straight. He had a craving for her touch and all he wanted was for her to take him then and there. But immense fear clawed at his orgasm-induced thoughts.

"N-no," he whimpered through quavering lips, "no more, pl-please. I... I feel so sick..." He could feel his hair plastered to his neck with sweat and he could feel the hot, gooey semen roll in large drops down his bony chest.

"Roll over," she said again, still smiling her toothy smile. "Roll over with another complaint and I'll fuck you 'til you can't feel anything any more. Stay quiet and let me do what I want, and I'll be a little more gentle." She chuckled and crossed her arms while he just remained catatonic on the futon.

Slowly and painfully, Nagato pushed himself onto his side and allowed his body to tiredly loll over onto his stomach. He registered the damp fabric beneath his chest and the smell of musk as his face sank into the soft feather-filled cushion. Everything was hazy and heavy.

Melody peered down at his sweat-covered back from her kneeling position on the bed. "You've become so obedient in such a short amount of time, just like I wanted you too. But, you know," she purred softly as her claws lightly ran up and down the length of his spine, "I didn't plan on this. You were just so -- " She leaned her head down and licked at the back of his neck. He flinched and emitted a muffled whimper. " -- delectable. It's all your fault, boy."

Nagato began sobbing quietly into the cream-colored cushion. "N-no, it wasn't..."

"Yes, it was," she told him with a smile, fingering his dark hair. "If you weren't so endlessly adorable and so helpless and prone to hurt, I wouldn't have done this. But you are, and I couldn't resist. But you like it, don't you?" Her fingertips trailed from his neck to the bottom of his spine, and drew lazy circles around his tail bone. Nagato froze up. "You couldn't help yourself either; you wanted this, too-"

"No!" Nagato wailed, digging his pale fingers into the downy fabric below his body. "No, it w-was only you! I-I'd never..." He trailed off and found himself unable to finish the sentence. Again he began to cry.

Melody just held her grin, continuing to stroke his lower back. Her claws had drawn shallow rivets in the skin and red lines patterned his pallid epidermis. "Are you ready to begin again?" she asked mockingly, as though he had a choice. Nagato tensed up and tried to ignore all the terrible possibilities that poured through his frenzied mind. She could do anything to him next.

For a long few seconds, nothing happened.

Then there was a pressurized, painful feeling and he knew exactly what was up.

"N-NO! No no no! Pl-please!" he sobbed in panic, arching his back involuntarily as her index finger inserted itself into his anus. "Any-anything but that! Anything!" It was throbbing and hot and it felt all wrong. Through the haze of trauma, he could feel the tip of her claw press against the soft skin of that place, and it made him sick all over again.

"Shh," she said, staring intently at her naughty work. "If you stay quiet, it'll be over sooner than you think." And she bent that finger, making him gasp and throw his head back. Then she bent forward herself and planted a kiss on his shoulder as he tensed up yet again and looked back at her with pleading eyes. "Oh, don't look at me like that," she purred against his sweat-soaked skin, "you'll make me come..." Her giggle vibrated against the back of his shoulder and Nagato closed his eyes against the pain and fear and longed to simply melt away into the coldness of the floor.

And then it felt different.

It was a tugging, teasing feeling that he felt in the ends of his nerves. It almost felt good. "P... Can you pl-please stop?" he whispered around the sigh that begged to leave his mouth. "I-it hurts..."

"No it doesn't," she said back, watching as his eyes glassed over and his back arched again. "It's okay to like it, you know."

Nagato heard her say it, but all he could hear was the squelching of her fingers entering and leaving his body. Before him on the bed, his hands looked blurry and abstract and his breathing had escalated. Everything spun.

"Oh, no no no," he mumbled to himself as waves of gratification and building pleasure rushed through his veins. "No, please no..."

"I told you," she said slowly, pushing a third finger into his orifice, "it's okay to like it."

In this state of distraction and primal feeling, her voice sounded nice, if not sublime. In an instant, all he wanted to do was roll back over and feel her, feel the softness of her ears and her tail and the smoothness of her skin. And he wanted her to feel him, to touch him where he'd never been touched by anyone before and to make him feel warm and tingling all over again. He wanted that so badly.

"Ah!" he gasped as another spike of ecstasy prodded at his swirling thoughts. The moans tore from his mouth and he could feel his body writhing and arching as he craved to move against her hand, to increase that incredible sensation. "Pl-please," he sighed, digging his fingers into the softness of the futon beneath himself, "more, please, Melo-Melody, more..." And he felt her pick up the pace.

"Pretty little thing," Melody cooed, feeling good about herself, "you're so dirty all of a sudden. You like that?" She bent her fingers rapidly and watched him as he jerked and moaned in pleasure. "You like it when I touch you here? You strange, strange boy..." She lowered her eyes a noticed how semen dripped down his thighs from his untouched, hardened cock. It made her grin widen. "Does this naughty stuff make you want to come, boy? Tell me..."

"Y-yes, it... it makes me w-want to- Ah!" He gasped as her claws ground against the tender skin of his insides. "C-come, I want to..." Nagato could feel saliva drip down his chin and neck and tears leak out from the creases of his eyelids. It all felt so tremendous and magnificent.

And then he hit the limit. His release shot onto the topmost comforter and pooled there, and Melody slowly removed her fingers from his anus. Nagato basked in the resulting happiness and rolled back over onto his back sluggishly. Melody stared down at him with a satisfied smirk and held her hand out. Her index, middle and ring fingers were covered in fluid, and she spread them apart, letting the thick liquid sag between her fingers. Nagato felt exposed and filthy, but also extremely relaxed.

"You feel good?" she asked him, wiping the human-made lubricant on the fabric she sat on.

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