Monday, October 12, 2009

=:Blank Slates:=[the lemon]

It wasn't long before you suddenly found yourself being dragged onto the couch... naked.

"Uh, C-Chazz?" you asked the panting boy, who was trying to eat your neck. "Why here? There's a perfectly good bed over there..." You eyed the said piece of furniture with quasi-wistful eyes, taking grim note of the slippery leather beneath your bare back.

Chazz chuckled against your skin, pulling his boxers off without looking. You tried not to shove him off of you.

"Why? It's fine right here..." He bit down on the soft flesh near your ear and your body jolted slightly.

"B-but... Fine..." You reluctantly wrapped your arms around his neck as he began to get himself situated. On you, I mean. You wanted to hit him even harder when you got a knee to the ribs. "Watch it!" you yelled in the clothes-bare boy's ear, digging your nails into his upper arms. He winced at the sharp pressure, clenching his jaw.

"Sorry... I'm not good at this yet..."

"Yeah, I gathered that," you droned quietly, adverting your eyes from his body as he sat up on your abdomen. The said male stared down at you with confused, slate-hued eyes.

"Am I doing something wrong?" he asked, noting your cobalt glare sent his way. You face-palmed, pushing him off of you and sitting up as well. He blinked up at you from his new position on the floor, thoroughly fine with the fact that he was completely naked and you looked like you wanted to STAB him in the EYE with a FRIKKIN' STEAK KNIFE.

"Yes, yes you are. First of all..." You looked down at his thin torso then back up at his blank facial expression. "Don't be assertive if you don't know what you're doing... Second, calm down. Last I checked, we had time." You hated to say that. "And third, just... let me lead, okay. You're really awkward..." You suddenly remembered that you, too, were naked and promptly decided to cover your chest with crossed arms.

The equally nude boy simply stared up at you, either silently agreeing or contemplating life. You took a stab at the former. "Okay? Right?"

"... Sure..." he said after a long stretch of silence, a wide grin breaking out on his face. You had never seen Chazz smile like this, so the said emotion a) blinded you and b) made you want to check his temperature. Perhaps the Atticus-induced lust caused his internal thermometer to rise. Atticus had that affect on people...

"... Good." You stood and, arms still crossed over your bust, proceeded to kick him in the stomach. The assaulted boy grunted in pain and shot you a miffed glance.

"What was that for?"

"For being so un-Chazz-like... Smirking's your thing, really..." You frowned at his devious grin, again tempted to throttle him. "Get on the couch," you said levelly, refusing to remove your arms even at his lusty glance toward where your breasts were situated. "Please and thank you."

"All right," he said, standing slowly and tossing himself face up onto the leather cushions. "Whatever you say, Irei." He grinned again, his words slipping off his tongue in a seductive sort of fashion.

You swallowed just slightly, still forcing yourself to not stare blatantly at your companion's man-bits. It was tougher than you thought it would be... "Good," you said again, at a loss for words. You paused for another long moment before climbing on top of him, biting your lip in an attempt to control yourself from slaughtering the boy seeing as he was staring plainly at your now-revealed chest. "Oh, wait," you said suddenly, shocking the horny male out of his boob-infatuated daze. "Do you have condoms?"

There was a long stretch of silence and you cocked an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah, I do, actually..." he said almost sheepishly, rubbing a hand through his spikes of black hair.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Then go get them..."

He blinked and motioned for you to get off of him. You gladly complied and watched him scamper -- in a relatively sexy way -- into the enormous bathroom. You were simply content with watching his naked ass go.

"Here," he said, tossing you the small square. You caught it and stared up at his naked-and-boney-but-also-considerably-enticing body that just happened to be standing right in front of you.


"I... don't know how to put it on..." he admitted, a rosy color taking over his cheeks.

"Really?" you replied with a muted smirk, looking down at the word Trojan written across the blue wrapper in big, blocky letters. "I'll help, then." You reached out an arm and pulled him toward you, so his pelvis, and therefore his appendage-in-question, was at hand-level. With careful fingers you began to unwrap the small, latex thingy-ma-bobber. I mean, condom... *cough*

"Hold still," you said quietly, now choosing to stare directly at what the said rubber was going on. Not the first penis you'd seen, but it was still a bit of a shocker the fourth time around.

He was nice...!

Not HUGE (that would be a hassle) but a good size... for someone you had previously thought to be asexual. I mean, come on: all he did was play card games and hang out with those two sketchy guys with the bad accents. Who wouldn't think he had sexual issues?

You felt another bout of redness wash over you as you proceeded to try and put the condom on him. It wasn't hard, but he wasn't hard either... you see what I'm getting at?

"You know," you said, purposefully ignoring his hands gripping your shoulders harshly, "it would be so much easier if, you know, you had an... erection." You almost choked on that last word, never having said it before. Chazz blinked, staring from you to his manhood.

"Really?" Then his eyes found yours, unfortunately. "I'm going to have to use your help..."

You could tell he was enjoying both his and your humiliation. Gah! Sadomasochism!

"... Fine," you agreed meekly, setting the opened rubber down next to you on the couch. Chazz was suddenly sitting on your lap, his back to your chest. You blushed profusely at his bare rear-end against your legs.

"This won't take long," he purred, picking up one of your hands and entwining it was his. You flinched at the coldness of his palm. Then, your own temperature spiked as he wrapped both hands around the exact non-hardened thing in question.

"Chazz? What are you doing?" you squeaked out, trying not to enjoy the feel of the skin on your hand.

"This," he said softly and with intent, squeezing your hand around his member by way of his. You felt his entire body jolt and a gasp reached your ears. You let him hold that thought for a moment before catching on.


Skip to a good ten minutes later... Thank you.


Well, he was definitely hard now.

"Damn it," he gasped, doubling over in the pent-up pressure that had manifested in his core. "Irei," he moaned. It was interesting to watch him act like this, so completely at your whim. You had never given anyone a hand job before, so this was all new to you.

"Wow," you said quietly, face pressed lightly to his back so that you could just see over his shoulder with your curious eyes. You, as you had done for the past minutes, slid your hand up and down his shaft absently, not totally focused on exactly the condition his penis was in but more on the fact that your entire hand was covered in semen.

You had no idea that all of that could fit in such a small space!

It dripped slowly from your hand and onto the floor, pooling up and looking very... unfitting against the beautiful wood work. It was slippery, too, and it was no problem for you to simply rub your fingers over his tip without causing him to feel any difference between the rest of his manhood and the most sensitive part. Though, of course the head is more laden with nerves, so obviously...

"Ugh, Irei," he groaned, licking his lips in some sort display of pleasure. You merely sighed against his dampened skin, giving no real thought to how messy this all was. If you weren't in complete and utter denial, you would be flipping out and dashing around for a mop.

He came again, the sticky substance dubbed 'cum' sloshing onto the floor with a sickening sound. You swallowed, staring at it intently. After this, intercourse will seem doubly appealing.

"Chazz," you whispered, your lips grazing his shoulder, "I think we're good..."

The said boy looked over his shoulder at you, eyes unfocused and face dripping with sweat. "Good," he breathed, gasping for air again. You blinked and forced back a smile.

With sticky hands, you pushed him off of your lap, helping to steady his wobbly self. Then, you turned your attention to the condom. Ugh, that condom...

"Here we go," you said quietly to yourself, tearing open the metallic wrapper. Inside, you came upon the coveted born-of-latex object and tugged it out, staring at it blankly as it sat in your non-semen-covered palm (aka the left hand). Chazz, who was still panting above you, leaned his weight on your shoulder by way of an outstretched arm.

"Are you meaning to tease me?" he whispered out and you noted that he was shaking. In either tiredness or anticipation, you didn't know.

"No, not really..." You reached out and pushed it over his tip, biting your lip in concentration. Chazz groaned at its tightness along his length and you watched his entire body tense up. "Ready?" you asked him, looking toward his face.

He swallowed, opening his eyes again and staring down at you with a wavering smirk. "Of course."


Skip ten minutes again, because this time frame was taken up by you coaching Chazz in the art of CORRECT BODY PLACEMENT aka the 'No Knees in My Ribs, You Idiot' lesson.


So now that you had him hovering over you, hands by your head, you chose to finally smile. "Are you ready now?"

"... Yeah." He was once again entranced by your bust. You felt like growling. The bubbles of anxiousness rose up to settle in your chest, and it tightened, causing your breath to hitch almost inaudibly. Chazz swallowed, metallic irises shifting around slightly and finally zoning in on your face, where they stayed. You had to force yourself to stare back into his eyes with your own, as it was much too awkward to look away. There was a heavy silence as the two of you contemplated your future actions before Chazz growled slightly.

"Fuck it," he said, reaching a hand down to hike one of your legs around his waist. You gasped at the feeling of skin on skin, then gritted your teeth.

"Ah..." you gasped in surprise and slight discomfort, as your company shoved himself into you with gusto. A flash of heat shot up your legs and pooled in your stomach. Chazz grunted deeply and adjusted his position, locking your pelvic areas so they could move in unison. "Hurry... up..." you mumbled against the rising warmth, eyeing him nervously. The boy simply smiled to himself and chuckled, lifting his hips to slam into yours again. You tossed your head back and pain stabbed your neck, slithering down your spine and into your left leg. Chazz grunted again and drove harder, fingers digging into the black leather of his couch.

The slippery material beneath your body let you slide, and with every thrust of his you were pushed back into the cushions. The leather became hot with your sweat and sticky to the touch, every time you would slide your hand down the stitching or grasp a pillow. You could feel the stiffness of the fabric against your skin, and it drove you crazy.

"C-Chazz," you gasped out, gripping his shoulder with all your might, "can't... we go to the- Ah!" You felt him push harder. "The bed...?" You closed your eyes as he pounded into you with more strength, the warm feeling of pleasure trickling along your limbs. It was a thick, woozy feeling that made you lightheaded and a small, shaky smile found its way onto your face as you gasped again. Still, the slippery cushions felt unnatural against your back, and the oily feeling of sweat coated the fabric. Chazz, on the other hand, was lost in an oblivious world of bliss, and he had his eyes clenched shut, ignoring all else. Every thrust made the sofa shift slightly against the wooden floor, and the sound irritated you. "Chazz," you muttered again, biting back a pleased groan, "for god's sake: the bed..."

The boy, who had previously buried his face in your burning neck, chuckled. "But we're busy."

You almost punched him.

Slowly, the tingling feeling of climax decided to seep into your core, placing immense pressure on your hips and tightening your stomach. The boy above you increased the speed of his pelvis in the face of his own rising orgasm, and the force of his body crushing yours nearly hurt. The heated waves of ecstasy washed over your head, making you smile in delight and giggle a bit when your company bit lightly at your neck. The length of him inside you suddenly felt swollen, and you gasped, digging your nails into his arms like a vise. "Damn it," he growled, cracking a single eye open to stare at you, "that hurts."

"... Sorry," you mumbled, too distracted by the new feeling to return the gaze. The Princeton brushed it off momentarily, choosing to ignore the sensation of his own skin being mutilated. The writhing, animated feel of completion welled up in him, and he groaned against your neck, skin searing on his mouth.

"Ugh, Irei," he murmured, gripping your shoulders. You trembled under the force of your own orgasm, reaching a hand up to clutch at his hair for stability. "Irei..." he whispered again, more to himself, a small smile on his face. You felt his hot breath against your throat, the sense of his rhythmic thrusting in the back of your passion-saturated mind. Something burning and wet made itself known on your jaw, and you registered it blankly as his tongue.

Slowly, and almost painstakingly, you came. It was a satisfying, smooth feeling, like stepping into a heated bathtub, and sincerely nice. You laughed a bit out of pure relief, opening your cobalt eyes to stare up at the white ceiling. The pressure faded off and you were left with a pleasing warmth that sat comfortably in your stomach.

On top of you, Chazz still pounded away, more struggling with his own increasing pleasure than with actually obtaining it. "Hey, Chazz," you mumbled, wrapping your arms about his neck softly, "you don't need to work so hard..." You felt him nod distractedly and nuzzle his face into your neck even more, resting his body on his elbows beside your head. There was a short pause while he leaned back far enough to look you in the eye with clouded, sex-glazed ones of his own.

"I'm gonna need your patience," he said deeply, ceasing his thrusting for a second. You blinked at him, nodding almost noncommittally and tightening your arms around his neck. The boy then resumed pushing into you, hips grinding in small circles and hands gripping at your shoulders again. You tossed your head back and gritted your teeth, pushing back on him with your own hips. Presently, he came, and it was a very subdued orgasm. He instantly fell at rest, trying not to crush you with his own body. You felt his breath wash over your neck and chest and you tried not to smile, patting his back lightly to help him regain his breath.

Sluggishly, he pulled out of you, face an odd mix of confusion and calm. You watched him silently as he pulled off the pesky condom, tossing it over the back of the sofa and into a trash bin on the floor. There was a moment of comfortable silence until he laughed, staring down at you from his half-reclined position on the edge of the couch. "That was exciting," he muttered, customary smirk looking much too much like a smile. You smiled back, nodding and feeling very much at ease.

That was, until he fell off the couch.

Thunk, you heard, and you blinked, seeing a lack of Chazz.

"Uh..." you muttered, rolling onto your side to glance over the side of the sofa. He was laying face up on the floor, face an irritated deadpan. "You know," you began cautiously, "if we had used the bed, you would have been able to roll over without hurting yourself."

He simply glared up at you, reaching a hand up to rub the top of his skull. "Yeah, I noticed that."

What a guy...

1 comment:

[ m a y a ] said...

good work >///< *blush*